Chastity lifestyle twitter

Most of his material involves dominance, submission, and chastity play and explores consensual relationships between adults over the age of

Fantastic photography from this chastity couple. Fascinating insights in his writing. Your guide to the male chastity life. Great account, content and some excellent captions too. No clue what mdz stands for, but this account has some great bondage posts, nice attitude and just all round makes me feel nice whenever they comment on my tweets. A 39yo virgin who practices chastity. Locked in full chastity since 25 Dec

Chastity lifestyle twitter

Note from Design Mom: Two years ago, I tried something new. I wrote a Twitter thread for the first time. I have a good understanding of arguments surrounding abortion, religious and otherwise. If you want to stop abortion, you need to prevent unwanted pregnancies. No for real, they are. But ALL unwanted pregnancies are caused by the irresponsible ejaculations of men. Let me walk you through it. But men can cause pregnancy days a year. And though their sperm gets crappier as they age, men can cause unwanted pregnancies from puberty till death. But what about birth control? If a women can manage to figure out how to get an abortion, surely she can get birth control, right? Great questions. Modern birth control is possibly the greatest invention of the last century, and I am very grateful for it. The side effects for many women are ridiculously harmful.

Open your mind and think!


Are you looking to add an exhilarating twist to your relationship? Perhaps you crave a deeper connection, where trust and intimacy flourish like never before. So fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey filled with excitement, passion, and uncharted territory — welcome to the world of chastity! It goes beyond the mere act of celibacy; it encompasses a deeper commitment to self-discipline, personal growth, and building stronger connections with your partner. At its core, the chastity lifestyle is about exploring the boundaries of intimacy by introducing an element of restraint.

Chastity lifestyle twitter

We at Chaste Lifestyle believe that chastity should be a lifestyle and not limited to bedroom kinks. We are encouraging and promoting people to wear chastity devices in their daily life - at work, the gym, beach, swimming pool, and even casual stroll in the park. Our pictures will depict the use of various chastity gears in a tasteful and artistic way. Chaste Lifestyle is financially supported from our Patreon funding. The primary use of the funding is to hire models for our photoshoot. Being a patron grants you access to the latest 3 photosets. To protect the value of patronage, back-catalogues older than 3 months are not available for download but can be purchased individually. You can also support us by spreading the words and not sharing the download links exclusive to our patrons.

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Just as horrible and barbaric as making abortion illegal. Or he has a perforated vas deferens. Fascinating insights in his writing. We feed them, do their laundry and care give beyond what is considered equal. They both agreed their family was complete with three kids, so my brother got the snip. He was in his 30s, married, with 5 kids. Males are responsible for every female DEATH occurring as a result of: — taking hormonal contraception. I have a good understanding of arguments surrounding abortion, religious and otherwise. This text explores the history of male chastity and its resurgence in popularity in recent years. And, AMEN.


This article does not resonate with me at all. Since the moment our hormones begin our sexuality is viewed differently. For Business. So, many men keep going as is, causing unwanted pregnancies with irresponsible ejaculations and never giving it thought. I would have to live in a bunker where no one could break in to avoid being raped.. Your email address will not be published. Unwanted pregnancies can only happen when men orgasm irresponsibly. Well said! I love that you are brave enough to write this, and at the same time sorry that it feels like such a discussion requires courage. Do they want to have sex with the guy raping him??? I actually had this written for several months before I published it, and was hesitant to share it.

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