deliana masteries

Deliana masteries

She was released on May 23rd as a 7 day log in reward. Her skill set includes a decrease to resistance, deliana masteries, deliana masteries block buffs debuff, and the ability to heal her allies. Deliana requires booking to maximize her usefulness.

Champion completely free for those who play in May In 7 days you have it! I advise you to play it full PV with precision and speed. It will not do much damage multiplier not so phew. At the beginning of the game it will help a lot!

Deliana masteries

She is known for her orbs of lightning and a cool-looking staff. Deliana is available for players to earn as part of the Deliana Chase Event from May through to July Players will need to log in for 7 days to earn Deliana for free. After this period, she can be summoned from shards. Deliana is a classic support-based champion, but she has a few tricks up her sleeve. Her Heart Stealer A1 ability brings an AoE with 2 turns Leech on a reasonably high chance, making her a perfect stun set healer for your early progression teams. The unique aspects of her kit revolve around her A3 and A2. This is quite significant in places like Spider for early-game accounts. She can then attack a single enemy with her Withering Scorn A2 ability and place Decrease Resistance , which is then spread to all enemies if the target attacked has block buffs. This is a powerful pairing for late-to-end game content where stats become quite high. With two AOE abilities, including one on her A1 basic skill, Deliana could be a great candidate for a stun set build or other control set builds. Her Magnificient passive ability increases her Accuracy by 2 for every HP her build has, which will equate to around extra accuracy depending on the quality of your gear. Overall, Deliana is an interesting champion that certainly looks good for early progression and has potential for Hydra end-game content.

Then will become nice but nothing more for deliana masteries mid game and end game. To her, lightning was a divine power — an indiscriminate, wild expression of the sky. The aim was to help you with your games as best I could.


Champion completely free for those who play in May In 7 days you have it! I advise you to play it full PV with precision and speed. It will not do much damage multiplier not so phew. At the beginning of the game it will help a lot! Then will become nice but nothing more for the mid game and end game. Its speed being not so whew.

Deliana masteries

She is known for her orbs of lightning and a cool-looking staff. Deliana is available for players to earn as part of the Deliana Chase Event from May through to July Players will need to log in for 7 days to earn Deliana for free. After this period, she can be summoned from shards. Deliana is a classic support-based champion, but she has a few tricks up her sleeve. Her Heart Stealer A1 ability brings an AoE with 2 turns Leech on a reasonably high chance, making her a perfect stun set healer for your early progression teams.

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Deliana is a beast in different areas of the game. Notify me of new posts by email. This is a powerful pairing for late-to-end game content where stats become quite high. Current Events Summoning Events. The aim was to help you with your games as best I could. Call me crazy maybe I am but I like her. Do you think she can farm the brutal solo 6sec? Priority stats for Deliana: Accuracy — end-game , mid-game , early-game Speed — end-game , mid-game , early-game HP — end-game 68k , mid-game 54k , early-game 41k Where can Deliana be used? If the target is under debuff [Buff Blocking] , also applies an effect of [Debuff Spread], taking any debuff [RES Reduction] on the target to place it on all enemies. We're proud of their work and are confident that you'll be equally impressed by the quality of their content. In 7 days you have it! Your email address will not be published. One of the greatest who ever studied at the Academy, Deliana dedicated her entire life to command the heavens themselves — a life that would engulf her.

This champion has a block buff which can be vital against opponents such as Siphi the Lost Bride or Duchess Lilitu. Furthermore, Deliana has a passive effect that will see her accuracy increase by 2 for every HP she has. With good gear setups it is possible to reach as high as extra accuracy.

Last articles. Within the great academy city of Ireth, no magic was considered off limits. Do you think she can farm the brutal solo 6sec? Just for peoples interest her passive inc acc based on hp is not working. So I run her with 3x food champs and zero regrets. Hi, Ayumilove. If the target is under a Block Buffs debuff, also applies a Debuff Spread effect, taking any Decrease Res debuff on the target and placing it on all enemies. Always the most important thing to know! The aim was to help you with your games as best I could. Thanks for all you do. She is known for her orbs of lightning and a cool-looking staff. Hi, Just an FYI.. She was released on May 23rd as a 7 day log in reward. They were only interested in matters of the earth — not the will of the heavens. If the target is under a [Block Buffs] debuff, also apply a [Debuff Spread] effect, taking any [Decrease RES] debuff on the target and placing it on all enemies.

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