dennis rodman detroit pistons

Dennis rodman detroit pistons

Dennis Keith Rodman born May 13, is an American former professional basketball player. Renowned for his defensive and rebounding abilities, his biography on the official NBA website states that he is "arguably the best rebounding forward in NBA history".

Born: May 13 , in Trenton, New Jersey us. College: Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Compare Dennis Rodman to other players. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. Do you have a sports website?

Dennis rodman detroit pistons


The Athletic. Although he was hampered by back spasms, Rodman dominated the boards, grabbing 19 rebounds in Game 3 and providing tough interior defense.


Born: May 13 , in Trenton, New Jersey us. College: Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Compare Dennis Rodman to other players. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. Do you have a sports website? Or write about sports? We have tools and resources that can help you use sports data. Find out more.

Dennis rodman detroit pistons

He on to become one of the league's dominant rebounders, leading the Pistons and later the Chicago Bulls to multiple championships, before earning induction into the NBA Hall of Fame in Rodman also earned attention for his reality show appearances, as well as his unusual friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Rodman was the product of an unstable household. Early in his life, his father, Philander, abandoned his wife, Shirley, and his young family, which included Rodman and his two young sisters. After Philander left, Rodman's mother moved the family to Dallas, where she struggled to keep her children fed and clothed by taking almost any odd job that came her way. Curiously, Rodman didn't at first appear to be all that athletic or outward going.

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Retrieved December 17, Fox Sports. Seattle Times. When he was young, his father left his family, eventually settling in the Philippines. Portals : Basketball Biography Sports. Retrieved October 18, Field goal percentage. Archived from the original on May 3, Schmidt Stokes C. January 21, Dennis had previously reconciled with his father in when he made a trip to the Philippines after years of being estranged. Dennis Rodman — Entertainment. Torpan Pojat.

He went on to become one of the fiercest defenders and the most tenacious rebounder of all-time. It was evident from the very beginning that the impact he was going to have in Detroit was substantial. By the end of his second season in the league, he was already averaging

He repeatedly dyed his hair in artificial colors, had many piercings and tattoos , and regularly disrupted games by clashing with opposing players and officials. Bleacher Report. Retrieved August 4, Chicago Bulls —98 NBA champions. After playing strong defense on Malone in the first three games, [45] he caused major consternation when he left his team prior to Game Four to go wrestling with Hulk Hogan. New York City. On January 15, , he was involved in an incident during a game against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Archived from the original on December 31, Is Dennis Rodman in the Hall of Fame? Retrieved April 12, College Stats underline indicates incomplete record. Chicago Tribune.

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