Super powers list

Home Knowledge Base Gaming. Superpowers split into different categories based on their nature and effects.

Superpowers are superhuman and supernatural abilities employed and explored in many works of fiction. Superpowers are defined as powers and abilities that are beyond humans and nature, entailing capabilities that are fantastical, paranormal, and extraordinary. Superpowers are extremely diverse and all-encompassing, from the mundane to the almighty, there is no limit for what superpowers are. In pop culture and mainstream media, superpowers usually don't stray too far from what is called 'stock superpowers', essentially superpowers that are extremely prevalent in any supernatural setting. These include, but are not limited to, flight , inhuman physical strength , mind reading and control , telekinesis , manipulating natural elements , transforming into animals or beasts , and basically any form of energy-based attacks. As mentioned above, there is no real limit to what superpowers are and can do.

Super powers list

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? And what would your superhero name be? Take a look at our list of superpowers and the brave heroes or wicked villains who use them for some ideas! Flight is the superpower most people would choose, and it makes sense! It would be great to be able to travel long distances without having to be crammed in a car, train, or airplane for hours. Superman never has to worry about getting the middle seat. X-ray vision is the ability to look through a layer of something and see what lies beneath, much as an x-ray is able to look through skin and muscle to see the bones underneath. The X in x-ray stands for the unknown. Telepathy should not be confused with telekinesis more on that in a second. We will see many other superpowers that rely on some form of kinesis. Some of your favorite heroes battle evil forces in a wide array of universes outside of our own.

Not a bad ability to have if you're going to be super powers list in a lot of close quarters combat, particularly with sharp weapons involved. Who wouldn't want to zap themselves between locations with a mere thought?

The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera. Even though we normal folk will never have them, we can't help but wonder which would be the coolest to have…. That's the question that drove the creation of this list. Super powers are inherent to comic books, so a lot of our picks were culled from there, but there are also plenty to consider from video games, TV, and movies. So after some of the nerdiest meetings to ever take place, we settled on this list of the coolest super powers. Is shooting gold balls cool?

Superpowers are superhuman and supernatural abilities employed and explored in many works of fiction. Superpowers are defined as powers and abilities that are beyond humans and nature, entailing capabilities that are fantastical, paranormal, and extraordinary. Superpowers are extremely diverse and all-encompassing, from the mundane to the almighty, there is no limit for what superpowers are. In pop culture and mainstream media, superpowers usually don't stray too far from what is called 'stock superpowers', essentially superpowers that are extremely prevalent in any supernatural setting. These include, but are not limited to, flight , inhuman physical strength , mind reading and control , telekinesis , manipulating natural elements , transforming into animals or beasts , and basically any form of energy-based attacks. As mentioned above, there is no real limit to what superpowers are and can do. They have limitless applications which are fundamentally based on aspects of humanity and existence, from individualistic attributes such as advanced skills, extraordinary senses, and enhanced intelligence, to humanity's creations, the natural world and beyond. Such superpowers can range from controlling buildings , to mastering the art of business making , to altering fiction and reality as one pleases. Superpowers are not solely based on abilities, any can include supernatural physical qualities and appearances, such as Tiger Physiology and Metal Mimicry. Some are more concrete and natural i.

Super powers list

The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera. Even though we normal folk will never have them, we can't help but wonder which would be the coolest to have…. That's the question that drove the creation of this list. Super powers are inherent to comic books, so a lot of our picks were culled from there, but there are also plenty to consider from video games, TV, and movies. So after some of the nerdiest meetings to ever take place, we settled on this list of the coolest super powers. Is shooting gold balls cool? That depends. It's certainly cooler than having no super powers at all, but there are certainly better powers to be had 99 of them, to be exact. Still, producing gold balls from your body can prove useful for a distraction and allow your teammates to gain the advantage in a battle.

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What would happen when the two things collide? Superpowers are also present in the form of supernatural traits or divine powers in theologies, religious texts, folklore, and mythologies. Having such a complete understanding of time and space can threaten almost anyone's sanity. Control Machines. Superpowers can be generally divided into two over-arching groups: superpowers that have to do with oneself and superpowers that have to do with everything else. Less selfishly, you could also cure droughts, famine, and prevent most natural disasters. They would have to live with the sole knowledge of countless night-unfathomable tragedies that may not be preventable. Some are centered on a single object or theme i. That's easy with size-manipulation. It pays to have good aim if you're going to be battling crime day in and day out, so having the power of marksmanship is extremely desirable. Phasing through walls, floors, closed doors, and gigantic cosmic bullets can come in handy in your life as a superhero. Characters who are invincible or invulnerable: Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Captain America alias of Steve Rodgers from Marvel Comics survived being frozen in an ice floe for a long time Luke Cage from Marvel Comics thermokinesis Thermokinesis is the ability to manipulate and channel heat sources. Types of Superpowers. You'd be on the cutting edge at all times, and you'd push humanity to a new stage of evolution. View history Talk 5.

A superpower is a special or extraordinary superhuman ability that is greater than what is considered normal.

Generation of pheromones has a variety of applicable uses, and all of them are potentially useful in the vigilante game. Ever since we saw Zack Morris freeze time at Bayside High, it's been one of the most desirable powers. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Invisible Woman's ability to create force fields is one of the best defensive superpowers of all time. Yet, the broad pantheon of superhero lore more often than not features individuals with less-than-conventional powers. Quasar used the quantum energy at his disposal to create powerful and lasting constructs as the Protector of the Universe. They look like they hurt like heck when coming out, for one thing, but more to the point they simply look more ferocious. They are the champions and adversaries of narratives that have captured hearts across generations. While it isn't a sole, specific power or ability, mystical prowess is still a useful and powerful skill in the comic book world. Computer Repair Expand child menu Expand. Such a power could definitely help capture criminals and save lives. Think of how much money you could save on Taco Bell runs alone. Hopefully it's not emitted in some disgusting way see Maggott , but having poisonous barbs shoot out of your finger tips or being able to project toxic bile would be pretty neat.

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