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What is the correct thing to do for a downsmashed facing a peach that is extremely down-smash happy? Own a valued federation item, downsmashed.


An investigation is underway after a car plowed into a home in northwest Harris County on Wednesday evening. Harris County deputies said the crash happened at a Cypress home on Ravensway Drive at p. Investigators said the year-old driver told deputies he was taking a turn, possibly at a high rate of speed, when he lost control of his vehicle. The vehicle smashed into a detached garage, leaving it upside down and taking the roof with it. The homeowner's son, Tod Gilpin, told ABC13 the driver climbed out of the wrecked vehicle, into the attic, and down to his mother's car, which was parked in the garage. As of Thursday afternoon, the vehicle remained buried inside the home until the insurance company could investigate. Gilpin said his mom was supposed to begin replacing the floors inside her home on Thursday.


Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Boulders falling onto a traveled road in San Mateo, Peru. The giant, fast-moving rocks tossed one of the trucks like a bowling pin — sending it into the air and flipping it on its side in shocking video footage. The drivers of the two commercial trucks survived, but their cargo was crushed and a stretch of Central Highway in the San Mateo district of Huanchor was destroyed, CNN Chile reported. Dashcam footage that captured the destruction shows one boulder the size of a car fly down the mountainside directly into a truck, tossing it in the air after it strikes it. A steady stream of tumbling rocks followed and another large boulder rushing down the mountain crashed into the roadway directly in front of a second truck, leaving a huge hole in the roadway, according to the clip. Photos of the aftermath show dozens of stones in varying sizes littered across the roadway, along with the wreckage from the two trucks, including one on its side. It took about four hours to clear the road, Peruvian outlet La Republica reported. Authorities were investigating the cause of the incident.

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Own a serial limited. Run up to them and wavedash back. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Force them to whiff, and then you run up and grab them during its lag there's a decent amount. Over , Smash Bros. Random23 Smash Cadet. Search Advanced search…. Win an event hosted in our Discord server, such as an outfit competition or art competition. Own an inventory of limiteds worth at least five million total value. What do I do? Abuse your needles, if there really d-smash happy you can just run in and WD back.

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. The line became a common catchphrase in the Smash community for when a player mixes up their opponent by doing something extremely simple.

What situations are you getting hit by it in? This site uses cookies. Random23 Smash Cadet. Own a limited with serial , or Own a valued federation item. Own 10 of one item. Own an inventory of limiteds worth at least ten million total value. Events Monthly Weekly Agenda Archive. Own any limited dominus. What is the correct thing to do for a shiek facing a peach that is extremely down-smash happy? Own an inventory of limiteds worth at least one million total value. Own an inventory of limiteds worth at least five million total value. Win a Rolimon's sword fighting tournament hosted in our Discord server. You are currently viewing our boards as a visitor. Own at least limiteds.

3 thoughts on “Downsmashed

  1. In it something is. Thanks for an explanation, I too consider, that the easier the better �

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