flexible survival vore

Flexible survival vore

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Google [Bot]'s Userpage No Messages. Account Configuration Blog setup Private Messages. Flexible survival Forum for the Vore games, and other downloads. Forum rules Don't ask about updates. If there is an update, it will simply be posted.

Flexible survival vore

Sometimes -- generally when losing to a monster in Combat -- players may be subject to a sub-fight where they must escape the hold of the victor. The commands are as followed:. When the player enters a bound state, the game "Snapshots" the player's libido and sets it as their Lust. A new snapshot is made with the adjusted libido afterwards. In all cases, a loss of sanity is ever-present. If your sanity reaches 0, the game ends and you receive a special succumb ending. Here is a list of all monsters with a voracious bound state. Choosing Less Vore at game start or with Trixie will remove these encounters, whereas More will do the opposite. All vore-based bound states have a scale restriction of 3 or lower , unless otherwise stated. They are as followed:.

Flexible survival vore hot and muggy compound provided few chances for relief for the overheated kitty. She throws herself into more medical training and Candy joins her. You are quietly awarded a medal at a small ceremony for your services.

As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there. Bioluminescent Lizardmen Brutes: Upon winning a fight against one of them, you will now have a chance to be escorted by one to their tribe and meet their leaders. It seems they call their superior a god, and he happens to be a giant lizardman Right now, there are no additional sex scenes, but there is quite a bit of text in the event, a new location and talk options with one of the two introduced NPCs. It is now necessary to have mett all of them and had the final event before they scavenge at the park. This will be expanded further in future.

This represents a special set of alternate victory abilities allows the player to consume their defeated foe whole through one of several scripted scenes. These abilities are currently broken down into two main varieties, those being Vore eating and UB unbirthing the oppenent. The Vore version of the ability is granted directly by the Vore Predator ability, which can be obtained as an advance feat or through the Inner Predator event. The option to enter one of these scenes will appear at random after defeating a monster. It will only trigger outside of an event situation, otherwise there would be a high chance of scene conflict.

Flexible survival vore

Google [Bot]'s Userpage No Messages. Account Configuration Blog setup Private Messages. Forum rules Don't ask about updates. If there is an update, it will simply be posted. If someone is committing to a timeline, they will just tell you the timeline without needing anyone to ask. Use Looking for master thread when you are not posting about an existing game. Twine is included in this, along with any Flash or browser-based games that are text-based. If you know about any other text-based vore games that aren't on the list, please put your own suggestions below so they can be added. The only requirement is that they have at least a decent amount of content at my discretion , as to avoid a bunch of games on the list with little to nothing to do in them. Version 0.

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These seem to get more elaborate and involved as time goes on, as the coon makes bigger and bigger plans to celebrate the kitty's visit with lustful orgies centered around the exotically colourful snowmeow. While your upper body largely resembles that of a strong, fit human being, your lower body is that of a stocky dragon. A somewhat extraordinary red baseball cap rests atop your head. Together they become an excellent team, sometimes saving lives against impossible odds. Behind your back, he makes out with several of the soldiers and officers. The hot and muggy compound provided few chances for relief for the overheated kitty. Newer Post Older Post Home. Performing any action may have a chance to turn Endure into Recover, which operates the same, but instead of reducing sanity loss, it provides a minor sanity increase. For the player to become able to use vore or ub in the single player game, I believe there's still only two paths. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time. Come join other mutants and play in the Flexible Survival universe with us! One is a pure blood Female Husky.

Bubble: The latex vixen now has new artwork to show off her shiny skin. Candy: The pink raccoon has gotten a new dress that he really wants to show off, so expect new artwork for him when you look at Candy.

There is some interest over your unusual forms, but Sam's university's connections to RSX keep you from too much unwanted scrutiny. It will only trigger outside of an event situation, otherwise there would be a high chance of scene conflict. They examined her until they discovered that she was no longer infectious, then they left her alone. For the player to become able to use vore or ub in the single player game, I believe there's still only two paths. This is a list of the creatures and enemies that the player cannot consume using any of these abilities. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions every week , as well as character artwork or even a private project each month. As well, only foes of equal or lesser scale value to the player are valid. Still with no proof one way or another, you take care of your little cat and his obviously freshly-pregnant lady friend. Type "I am a pro" to gain XP. Personal tools Log in. Eating or unbirthing someone will transform you with whatever mutation they have unless you have further taken the 'Safe Appetite' feat that becomes available if your stamina is high enough I think 15 and you have gained the vore predator feat through either of the above methods. She'd taken it with her when escaping her house, but ended up succumbing to the infection, taken down by some of those huskies. This will be expanded further in future. Jump to: navigation , search. Having saved him from an uncertain and frightening fate, Candy treats you like a protective big sister.

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