Harry potter fanfiction best

Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details. Discussion in ' Story Search ' started by ConquistadorFeb 23, Competition topic: Magical New Year!

Jessica Pryde is a member of that some might call rare breed that grew up in Washington, DC, but is happily enjoying the warmer weather of the desert Southwest. She can be found drowning in her ever-growing TBR and exclaiming about romance in the Book Riot podcast When in Romance , as well as on social media. View All posts by Jessica Pryde. Book Riot no longer promotes J. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community.

Harry potter fanfiction best

All of these fun stories are the perfect way to pass the time in between schoolwork, or when you need someone to rewrite my paper content , or simply taking a study break. In this story, Harry Potter was raised by his Aunt Petunia and her biochemist husband, because of this Harry grew up with a love of science and sci-fi books, which made the arrival of his Hogwarts letter even more exciting. Although the chapter fanfiction includes some familiar characters like Hermoine Granger and Professor McGonagall, there are a lot of things that have been changed. Set after the events of The Half Blood Prince, Isolation is a romantic fanfiction that focuses on the unlikely pairing of Draco and Hermoine. In this story, Ron and Harry have left Hogwarts to protect other students by hunting down the remaining Horcruxes. This is a very well-written story that portrays the character of Draco especially, in a way that we never see in the original books. For those of us who always wondered what happened after the young wizards left Hogwarts in the final book, there are plenty of post-Hogwarts fanfictions to choose from. One of the most popular in this category is A Black Comedy which details a funny, drunken adventure between Sirius and Harry. All of this makes for a thoroughly entertaining, and funny story. This fanfiction was written before the release of The Deathly Hallows, so expect some of the plot points to be slightly different. While Nathan has to worry about all of the things we know that Harry struggled with in the original books, in this story Harry becomes a bookworm and transfers to study at Drumstrang Institute of Magic instead of Hogwarts. What follows is the Triwizard Tournamount, which sees Harry take no prisoners and turn into the hero that he really wants to be. This is another fanfic that involves time travel and sees Harry, Ron and Ginny go back in time after Harry finally defeats Voldemort.

What are some of the best Harry Potter fanfiction stories? Gideon Drake and the Fire Within. Cursed Draco Malfoy.

Now fifteen years have passed and Voldemort is back, and Eve has changed her last name to stay hidden fro Since they are friends with Harry Potter, it wasn't a normal year. This year, the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and Emma feels that evil is coming. Cassie Jackson is in her sixth year of Hogwarts, and is proud to be a Ravenclaw. Plus, she's in the same year as the famous Harry Potter. But a Slytherin by the name of Draco Malfoy keeps crossing paths with her, whether it be by fate or accident. At first, two people could never hate each other more.

The Harry Potter world is phenomenally popular with fanfiction readers and writers. The below ten most significant fanfictions about Harry Potter will get you surprised by imagination, cheekiness, and strength. AU : Alternate Universe. A narrative that diverges from canon see below in crucial respects. Canon : Concepts that are established portions of the novels or happen to be straight decreed by J. K Rowling as part of the Harry Potter world. Fanon : Concepts that are very popular, and utilized in a lot of fan fiction, lots of fans confuse them with canon. Occasionally that has occurred unintentionally since the fan fiction has been printed before Deathly Hallows. OOC : Out of personality, i.

Harry potter fanfiction best

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Harry Potter stumbled through his life because others laid out a carefully planned path and treated Harry as a pawn since he was born. What happens when there is a Harry that refuses to accept fate? What happens when all those carefully laid plans of his enemies and allies alike go up in smoke? Harry Potter experiences betrayal of the worst sort. The Ministry of Magic drugs him then hands him over to a muggle terrorist organization and bids him goodbye. Hadrian Peverell Harry Potter Has been the Master of Death for nearly 2, years when he strolls into another dimension without noticing, well that was until Toddlermort Creepy toddler looking thing Voldemort was before getting a body runs into him, Hadrian decides to fix the Dark Lord, only to regret it as he connects with Tom in a way he never has.

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From multi-chapter stories that dream up epic romances about popular "ships" shorthand for relationships like Draco and Hermione, to time traveling adventures and mature erotica rated "M" that will make you clutch your pearls, there is a story for everyone. I'm currently reading A Marauder's Plan k Complete , but I wouldn't recommend it thusfar unless you have a lot of time to waste. And as a longtime fanfic reader, I'm here to tell you, fans of The Boy Who Lived are an incredibly imaginative bunch. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community. Marry Me Dramione. With a mass murder on the loose Hogwarts isn't as safe as she would have expected. Bad Blood: A Dramione Fanfiction. It totally does. Necro technically on topic, but I have a moral objection to labeling either of those fics 'good'. Happy reading! Home The 10 best Harry Potter fanfiction stories to read. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, The Shoebox Project has had a huge following for over a decade, resulting in extensive amounts of fan art and even spinoff stories. All of it.

Jessica Pryde is a member of that some might call rare breed that grew up in Washington, DC, but is happily enjoying the warmer weather of the desert Southwest.

Fandom Headcanons. He tried to make himself come back. This is a very well-written story that portrays the character of Draco especially, in a way that we never see in the original books. Joined: Jan 4, Messages: Serena Lilly Rose is a witch. Ginny Weasley's Point of View on the Chamber of secrets. One of Harry's best qualities was his willingness to persevere, despite whatever pain and loss he was going through. Bathwater Dramione. Also, it's got one of the best renditions of Molly Weasley I've read in fanfiction, her talk with Hermione after her break-up with Ron is still amazing, and burned into my mind forever. Interestingly, the story was inspired by the author's own experiences. Little Bird Or, check out some great graphics showing the favorite ships in the HP fanfic world. The story takes a look at the first encounter between Voldemort and Harry which goes in an unexpected new direction. The story chronicles a grown Harry's failed attempt to live a normal life and the new adventures that await when danger returns. Show Ignored Content.

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