horses of god film complet

Horses of god film complet

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Ya khayl Allah is Moroccan drama film about the Casablanca bombings. The film won several awards, and was Morocco's submission for the 85th Academy Awards held in February The film opens in Yachine whose real name is Tarek , [a] his violent older brother Hamid, [b] and Yachine's friends Nabil son of Tamou, a local prostitute and singer , [c] pot -smoking Fouad, and Khalil live in extreme poverty in Sidi Moumen , a shanty town on the edge of Casablanca in Morocco. Hamid earns money by acting as a drug mule. The boys steal liquor from Khalil's father's wedding, and Hamid rapes a drunk Nabil in front of the others. In , the shanty town is significantly larger, and Hassan II of Morocco has just died.

Horses of god film complet


Yachine kills Ba'Moussa after the drunk man attempts to rape Nabil. In an interview about Horses of GodNabil Ayouch explained that: "My point of view is not to give moral lessons but to give to understand by showing.


A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Horses of God Original title: Les chevaux de Dieu. Play trailer

Horses of god film complet

Retrouvez plus d'infos sur notre page Revue de presse pour en savoir plus. Les Chevaux de Dieu. De Nabil Ayouch. Par Jamal Belmahi. Mes amis. Envie de voir.

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Related news. Mohamed Mabrouk Nouceir. A leader of the cell later says Nabil has become "a real man", implying he has abandoned or suppressed his same-gender longings. Contents move to sidebar hide. Fly, horses of God, and the gates of paradise will open for you. Yachine, Nabil, Fouad, and Khalil spend their time smoking pot, and Yachine is in love with Ghislaine, Fouad's sister. Play trailer Ahmed El Idrissi Amrani Fouad. While the film features terrorism and radicalization, the film emphasizes poverty, extreme machismo, and hopelessness over the influence of religion, specifically Islam. Hamid is given a two-year prison sentence after throwing a rock at Pitbull's car. Powered by Alexa.

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Recently viewed. This is what can lead, in the Arab world and in Morocco in particular, to a drift for those who live in these lawless areas where only religious mafias are able to meet needs that no one else takes. Even when it becomes clear what this assignment is, most of them don't hesitate for a second. End titles describe the Casablanca bombings, where they occurred, and how many people died. Related news. In an interview about Horses of God , Nabil Ayouch explained that: "My point of view is not to give moral lessons but to give to understand by showing. Did you know Edit. Abdelhakim Rachid Yachine as Abdelhakim Rachi …. Mohamed Mabrouk Nouceir. Trailer It preaches forgiveness, whereas the slum is full of violence. In , the shanty town is significantly larger, and Hassan II of Morocco has just died. It is clear and deliberate, not chaotic like slum life.

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