inaturalist india

Inaturalist india

Derived from the checklist at birdlife. Some of the entries were highly suspect e.

We end the 3rd week of the iNaturalist World Tour in India. The top observers in India are distributed across the country from ivijayanand , a rural physician based in Assam, northeast India near rejoicegassah , rohitmg , and others to chiefredearth who's posted observations from across the subcontinent. There's been noticeable activity on iNaturalist from India since at least This coincides with vijaybarve creating iNaturalist projects such as this one linked to the DiversityIndia site. But activity has ramped up appreciably since There have been numerous interesting projects from India using iNaturalist such as the Marine Life of Mumbai project by shaunak , pradip , and others and featured in this blog post.

Inaturalist india

In this journal post, we provide an overview of the state and union territory wise biodiversity documentation in India, during the Monsoon Beauty 23 event. We look at the leading regions, as well as those that have lower or no documentation. While we cannot fully explain the reasons behind the differences in the level of activity, we aim to present the available data. The list is ranked by most observations. We have also summarised the states with the most observations, species, identifiers, and observers. This provides a broad overview of the current state of biodiversity documentation in India on Inaturalist. Out of 36 Indian Administrative regions : 28 States and 8 Union Territories contributions were received from 29 regions while 8 regions posted 0 observations. The top observers and their respective observations are mentioned along side each region. The list below is ranked by number of observations, along with a mention of the top observer in each region:. In India, many states and union territories are under-represented in terms of biodiversity documentation. This is likely due to a variety of factors, including:. Possibly a few other reasons which have not been described here India's Nature has been holding virtual events to engage more individuals and communities in these states and territories with poor results. In the future, India's Nature will also attempt more direct engagements with individuals, groups, and other appropriate community-based agencies.

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Photos L to R : Canarium strictum , by vijaykumar2 ; Equisetum by parul27 ; Lannea coromandelica by sonukumar. The ERA-India trial citizen science event, India Plant Watch, was held on January , with participants invited to join the project and document observations of any plants with photos on iNaturalist. Recording at least 20 plant observations was the challenge for each observer during the event. A small group of volunteer members joined the project and went plant watching over the weekend in multiple locations across India, recording a diversity of interesting native and non-native species. Overall plants observations of taxa rolled in from 31 observers.

View Check List Page. Find a place. Flag This Place Embed place widget. Projects from India. Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae, Poecilotheria This is an archive for the standardized images of the various Poecilotheria specimens used in my future pub

Inaturalist india

Source : Beetles Taxon Page on iNaturalist. S Haldane. As per different estimates of insects there are anything between 4,00, to 1. In the last decade, new methods of estimating global species richness have been developed and existing ones improved through the use of more appropriate statistical tools and new data. Taking the mean of most of these new estimates indicates that globally there are approximately 1. Stork, N. How many species of insects and other terrestrial arthropods are there on Earth. Annual review of entomology, 63 1 , Of these Beetles are still the dominant group, numbering upwards from the commonly known estimated 4,00, species.

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Andaman Coucal Centropus andamanensis. Mating in Wild Mating photos of wild life. Add an Observation. Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Clamator coromandus. Biodiversity of Manivilundhan Lake, Salem Welcome! I won't be surprised if we post next K records in 12 to 15 months. Butterflies of Manipur The study on the Lepidoptera fauna of Manipur is almost negligible. Biodiversity of Annamalai University. Observed Yes No any. I thought many of you may be interested in this article that highlights a need for more plant data from India and other target countries. Posted on February 09, AM by trsraman 0 comments Leave a comment. Melagiris - The Web of Life This project aims to have a centralised online species inventory of the rich biodiversity of the forests of I am so impressed with the great photographers and naturalists in India! Why is this otherwise important? Andaman and Nicobar islands A photo documentation of flora and fauna in the Andaman and nicobar islands India.

Derived from the checklist at birdlife.

During the inaugural Monsoon Beauty event the threshold for such states was observations. At the time of this post around observations from 30 observers have rolled in with many images of fascinating plants from different parts of India. First trial and a couple of reminders and suggestions The first trial of the India Plant Watch project was held on 21st and 22nd January on iNaturalist. Why is this otherwise important? Crimson-breasted Woodpecker Dryobates cathpharius. Member of the iNaturalist Network Powered by iNaturalist open source software Documentation for developers. The E. Allowed occurrence status values: present, common, uncommon, irregular, doubtful, absent Allowed establish means values: native, endemic, introduced. Pied Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus. Moths of Manipur To document the moth species in Manipur state, India, with an aim to assess the distribution, relative abun Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus.

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