isobel vampire diaries actress

Isobel vampire diaries actress

Kirshner was born January 25, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is a grandaughter of Holocaust survivors. Her father was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany inand met Kirshner's mother, a Bulgarian Jewish refugee, in Israel. Kirshner has also a younger sister who is a writer, isobel vampire diaries actress.

She was good friends with her ancestor Katherine Pierce , a vampire she often conspired with. When Isobel was still in high school, she met John Gilbert and became pregnant with Elena. Isobel absconded a few days after Elena's birth, and soon after, John's brother Grayson and his wife Miranda adopted Elena. Many years later, Isobel met Alaric Saltzman. At first, she did not like him and even had a restraining order against him, but later she changed her mind and they eventually got married. While Isobel was still married to Alaric, she became obsessed with paranormal research.

Isobel vampire diaries actress

It originally aired on May 6, Miller Tobin. Alaric asks Isobel why she left him to become a vampire and she says that is what she always wanted. Isobel wants to meet Elena Nina Dobrev and asks Alaric to arrange a meeting for her but he refuses to do it and leaves. Isobel follows him and attacks him at the parking lot. She threatens to kill all his students if he will not do what she asked and leaves. The two friends still do not talk to each other after Tyler made out with Matt's mother, Kelly, even though Tyler tries to apologize. Alaric gets Elena and Stefan at his classroom to talk to them about Isobel's request. Damon Ian Somerhalder joins them a little bit later since Alaric called him. Damon is surprised hearing that Isobel is in town and wonders if she is working with John David Anders and why she wants the Gilbert device. When they tell him that the only thing she wants is to meet Elena, Damon tells Elena that she does not have to meet her if she does not want it but Elena agrees and meets her later at the Grill. Elena and Isobel meet at the Grill while Stefan sits a few tables away for protection. Isobel is surprised of how much Elena looks like Katherine and says that Katherine found her after she became a vampire. Elena wants to know who her father is but Isobel has no any intentions of telling her. Instead, she reveals the real reason she wanted to meet Elena which is no other than the Gilbert device, the same one that John wants.

It was published in the U.

Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena. Damon Salvatore : [has Isobel pinned underneath him] Now that I have your attention, listen up. You do not come into my town and threaten people I care about. Going after Elena? Bad move. You leave her alone, or I will rip you to bits, because I do believe in killing the messenger.

She was good friends with her ancestor Katherine Pierce , a vampire she often conspired with. When Isobel was still in high school, she met John Gilbert and became pregnant with Elena. Isobel absconded a few days after Elena's birth, and soon after, John's brother Grayson and his wife Miranda adopted Elena. Many years later, Isobel met Alaric Saltzman. At first, she did not like him and even had a restraining order against him, but later she changed her mind and they eventually got married.

Isobel vampire diaries actress

It originally aired on May 6, Miller Tobin. Alaric asks Isobel why she left him to become a vampire and she says that is what she always wanted. Isobel wants to meet Elena Nina Dobrev and asks Alaric to arrange a meeting for her but he refuses to do it and leaves.

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Isobel Flemming. Isobel was heartbroken to give up her daughter but did so anyway, knowing that she would have a better life with Grayson and his wife, Miranda. Fantasy Horror The Vampire Diaries. View history Talk 0. Ian Somerhalder Damon Salvatore. View history Talk 5. They named her Elena. Start a Wiki. Mia Kirshner. Sign In Sign In. Retrieved April 19, Archived from the original on April 6, Elena takes her lapis lazuli and realizes that despite everything, she's upset that Isobel's dead.

Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena.

John came to visit her in her loaned house and they discussed their alliance. Archived from the original on August 24, They visit every week, and they bring flowers, even though there's no one buried here. Saltzman Matt Honeycutt. Connections References Gone with the Wind Retrieved December 12, My parents - your grandparents - they put it here when it became clear that the police weren't gonna find my body. She later showed up at the Grill and confronted Alaric. Her father was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany in , and met Kirshner's mother, a Bulgarian Jewish refugee, in Israel. Sign In Register. See our predictions. Television film [34]. September 23, In Marilyn Manson's music video for " Tainted Love ", which was featured on the movie's soundtrack, she made a cameo appearance as her character Catherine Wyler.

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