Jaromir jagr hockey

Born: February 15in Kladno, Czechoslovakia cs. Twitter: 68Jagr. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter.

A true hockey legend. Very talented right winger with excellent offensive skills. He has a great stickhandling and often leads the puck single-handedly. Jagr is an excellent finisher, but also creates scoring opportunities for his teammates. He is very strong on the puck and has a good balance. One of hockey's finest on powerplay. Nephew: Jiri Kalla.

Jaromir jagr hockey

He returned to the NHL in with the Flyers and remained in the league for seven more years before being assigned by the Flames in to HC Kladno. He is the most productive European player who has ever played in the NHL and is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time. Until his transfer, at age 45, he was the oldest player in the NHL, and is the oldest player to record a hat-trick. He won consecutive Stanley Cups in the and seasons with the Penguins. At age 15, he was playing at the highest level of competition in Czechoslovakia for Poldi SONP Kladno , and when he was 17, he became the youngest member of the Czechoslovakia national team. As a youth in his native country, he kept a photograph of American president Ronald Reagan in his school gradebook, as a protest against the policies of the Soviet Union. When he attended the draft, in Vancouver , he was the first Czechoslovak player present at the NHL draft with his government's blessings. He would also play Scrabble in an attempt to increase his English vocabulary. Some Penguins fans realized that the letters in his first name could be scrambled to form the anagram "Mario Jr. Both his 62 goals and 87 assists from that season still stand as career-highs.

Retrieved 23 May GetzlafC. Trey Fix-Wolansky 51 23 31 54 4.


Born: February 15 , in Kladno, Czechoslovakia cs. Twitter: 68Jagr. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. Do you have a sports website? Or write about sports?

Jaromir jagr hockey

Jaromir Jagr celebrated his 51st birthday about a week early by scoring his 1,th goal to overtake Wayne Gretzky at the top of the chart. Jagr, who will turn 51 on Feb. The winger, who was the NHL's second highest point scorer in when he was released by the Calgary Flames, got his 1, goals in professional games and at international tournaments. Jagr collected the puck behind the net before skating around it to put Kladno ahead at of the final period.

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Preceded by Ron Francis. Czech Republic. Ty Smith D. AS-1 , Hart-2 , Ross Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic. Winner of the Art Ross Trophy — Kucera for K. Archived from the original on 3 June Preferred Equipment. At age 15, he was playing at the highest level of competition in Czechoslovakia for Poldi SONP Kladno , and when he was 17, he became the youngest member of the Czechoslovakia national team. Retrieved 10 April AS-6 , Byng , Hart , Selke

A true hockey legend. Very talented right winger with excellent offensive skills.

He won consecutive Stanley Cups in the and seasons with the Penguins. Prior to the —06 season, the Rangers had missed the playoffs for seven consecutive seasons. Czech Golden Hockey Stick , , — Retrieved 15 September In other projects. Team Staff History. Archived from the original on 19 February NHL Playoffs Bold indicates league leader. Retrieved 3 July Retrieved 4 October These records are as of 9 October [update] for regular season games unless stated otherwise. Succeeded by Craig Anderson. Pearson Award.

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