jerry buss young

Jerry buss young

By HoopsHype July 10, Jeanie Bussthe daughter of legendary Lakers owner Jerry Buss, made history jerry buss young by becoming the first female owner to guide a team to an NBA championship. Lakers unveil Kobe Bryant statue.

A daughter of Jerry Buss , who owned the Lakers and other sports businesses, she entered the family business as general manager of the Los Angeles Strings professional tennis team at She later bought the Los Angeles Blades professional roller hockey team. She served as president of the Great Western Forum before becoming vice president of the Lakers. After her father died in , his controlling ownership of the Lakers passed to his six children via a family trust, with each sibling receiving an equal vote. Born in Santa Monica, California , [1] Buss was the third of four children to Joann and Jerry Buss , and one of two daughters; she grew up with older brothers Johnny and Jim and younger sister Janie. Their parents divorced in , leaving Buss feeling emotionally abandoned.

Jerry buss young

Jerry Buss wrote his much-younger girlfriend, Delia Cortez, into his will, Captain Wag reports in the video above. She said he told her to "keep quiet" about the relationship. Buss, who purchased the Lakers in , left almost everything else to his family trust, overseen by his daughter and trustee Jeanie Buss, Captain Wag reports. Cortez, who is currently studying to become a veterinarian, told TMZ that Buss secured her future and that she loved him. She said says she knew all along that Buss had multiple, young girlfriends but that she was his number one and, "the others were just slutty arm candy. She has several scantily-clad photos posted to her Myspace profile. He was a pioneer in the NBA in several ways, including in spending huge amounts of money on top players. He died of prostate cancer in February at age At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the presidential race, hard-hitting investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or trending stories that make you laugh, we appreciate you.

Johnson K. By HoopsHype July 10,

Gerald Hatten "Jerry" Buss January 27, — February 18, was an American businessman, investor , chemist, and philanthropist. He was the majority owner of the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association NBA , winning 10 league championships that were highlighted by the team's Showtime era during the s. Buss owned other professional sports franchises in Southern California. Born in Salt Lake City , Buss and his three younger siblings were raised by their divorced mother, Jessie, who worked as a waitress. His father, Lydus, was an accountant who went on to teach statistics at Berkeley, who abandoned Buss after his first birthday and never returned. Buss earned a scholarship to the University of Wyoming , [4] graduating with a BS degree in two and a half years in Buss started as a chemist for the Bureau of Mines now the Mine Safety and Health Administration ; [6] he then briefly worked in the aerospace industry for Mcdonnell Douglas and was on the faculty of USC's chemistry department.

As the owner of the Los Angeles Lakers from until he passed away in , Dr. Jerry Buss oversaw one of the greatest stretches in sports and entertainment history. His beloved Lakers made it to the Finals 16 times — nearly half of his 33 seasons — and won 10 championships while missing the playoffs only twice. Many of those people offered their favorite stories about what made Dr. Buss who he was in advance of Dr. Buss night on Feb. In the mid to late s, Dr. He noticed for a few years that the owner, Jack Kent Cooke, was not attending Laker games.

Jerry buss young

Times, I kind of have a soft spot for period pieces. Lakers, struck me as the perfect subject for a podcast. Brennan: Right? Literally a basketball guy, as in a professional player. Maddox: Exactly. Thanks for saying that. And I actually really do feel like the balance of our expertise is what is going to make this podcast fun to do.

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Archived from the original on January 4, Jerry Buss father. Los Angeles Lakers president Jeanie Buss speaks before the reveal of the champions banner at…. She said says she knew all along that Buss had multiple, young girlfriends but that she was his number one and, "the others were just slutty arm candy. This close-knit group of friends would often bid on charitable auction items that would help the causes of the events they attended. Retrieved October 9, In December , Buss received correspondence from an individual who asserted to be her secret sibling named Lee. Main Rumors 6hr ago Jimmy Butler on Heat-Pelicans brawl: 'We'll beat them the next time, too, we're just a better team'. Buss earned a scholarship to the University of Wyoming , [4] graduating with a BS degree in two and a half years in Knicks: Start time, where to watch, what's the latest. In other projects. Bulls won Photo by J. Los Angeles Lakers owner Jeanie Buss becomes emotional during a halftime ceremony honoring former player Kobe…. The distribution for WOW marks the largest media distribution platform for women's wrestling in history.

By his passing on Monday at the age of 80 , Dr.

Memphis Grizzlies v Los Angeles Lakers. McGuire Meyers R. Would you join us to help keep our stories free for all? Schmidt Stokes C. October 15, Jeanie Buss , the daughter of legendary Lakers owner Jerry Buss, made history in by becoming the first female owner to guide a team to an NBA championship. Retrieved April 5, Los Angeles Times. Jerry Buss at a Los Angeles Lakers victory party hosted…. When she was 17, she moved in with her father at Pickfair. We cannot do this without your help. Archived from the original on March 22,

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