kobu rey leon

Kobu rey leon

ZiraJasiri formerlyKiara formerlyKion formerlySimba formerly. Kovu is a male lion. He is the prince consort of Pride Rock through his marriage to Kiara, kobu rey leon. He is the son of Zirathe younger brother of Nuka and Vitaniand the mate of Kiara.

El personaje principal de la serie es Simba. Simba es el protagonista principal. Es el actual rey de Pride Lands. Nala ayuda a Simba en la batalla contra Scar y las hienas. Al morir su padre, Mufasa ocupa el trono de Las Tierras del Reino junto a su esposa, la reina Sarabi. Acto seguido, el villano culpa a su sobrino Simba de la muerte de su padre, lo exilia y usurpa su trono.

Kobu rey leon


Originally aired November 3, Kovu raced down into the gorge and began clawing through the logs, trying to reach his wounded brother.


Es el hijo de Zira , hermano de Nuka y Vitani , y el hijo adoptivo de Scar. Este incidente, hace que ambos se hagan amigos. Cuando Zira se entera de ello, decide usar su amistad como arma contra Simba. Kovu es agresivo y crudo, incluso como un cachorro. Posteriormente recibe una cicatriz en su ojo izquierdo que es infligida por Zira. Como parte del plan, rescata a Kiara de un incendio que ha sido puesto por Nuka y su hermana Vitani. Zira enmarca a Kovu, alegando que la emboscada era parte del plan.

Kobu rey leon

Kiara hereda la curiosidad de sus padres y se ha metido en problemas por vagar. Como resultado, no lleva tan rico un oro como el de de su padre o abuelo. Su hocico, las patas y el bajo vientre son de color crema, mientras que su tope de cola es de color crema. Antes de que ella pueda irse, Simba, que se convierte seriamente sobre-protector, comienza a pasar con una lista extensa de advertencias sobre la seguridad de las Tierras del Reino. Molesta, Kiara es capaz de repetirlas de memoria, sugiriendo que las ha escuchado muchas veces antes y se irrita. Cuando los dos entran en un desacuerdo, Kiara es capaz de deslizarse.

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Kiara grimaced, but Kovu laughed and admitted that he had never done this before. Timon was relieved to see her and explained that he had not been following her for once. Kovu attended Kion's coronation and wedding to Rani at the Tree of Life. Pesimista por naturaleza, es muy paranoico. Su actitud y modales insolentes hicieron que abandonara a su familia y su madriguera. After dragging her through the water, Kovu dropped her on land, and she asked where she was. She then accused Kovu of having killed his brother. El personaje principal de la serie es Simba. Kovu nearly slipped but caught onto one of the logs and jumped to safety. Zira then accusingly turned on Nuka and shouted that he should have been watching Kovu. Slowly, the four began to circle each other, and Kion learned that Kovu and Nuka's family was not welcome in the Pride Lands. Suddenly, the group ran into a rhinoceros herd. Simba and Nala watched them from a nearby hillside, and Simba sought counsel with the Great Kings of the Past. When Kiara, a Pride Lander cub, wandered into the Outlands and accidentally tripped off a fallen log, she knocked into Kovu. Current Wiki.

El personaje principal de la serie es Simba.

Oh, haven't you met my son, Kovu? El es entrenado por Zira para vengar a Scar. For instance, he mourned Zira's death despite her refusal to reconcile with Simba's pride. He looked up in shock just as she swung her paw forward and raked her claws across his face. Kovu was born to Zira. Additionally, he stood up for his brother, Nuka, even in the face of their mother's rage. Season 3 , Episode Once Kovu realized what his mother was doing, he questioned Zira as to what was going on and wondered why they could not be friends with Kion. Start a Wiki. Rafiki fue cambiado a una mandril hembra. What's the point of this training?

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