plague marines

Plague marines

The Death Guard are carriers of countless infections and contagions, each a gift from Nurgle.

The putrescent slime that oozes from their sores corrodes armour boils away skin, yet despite their horrific disfigurements they are fearsome warriors indeed. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a 7-man squad of Plague Marines. Each is posed dynamically, with the usual. All delivery options and prices. If for any reason at all, you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us for a refund, or exchange it for something else.

Plague marines

Within their corpulent and disgusting power armour their bodies are bloated with disease, swollen with corruption and rank with decay even as they no longer are capable of feeling pain, the greatest mutational "gift" given to them by the Plague Lord. The first Plague Marines were warriors of the Death Guard Legion , trapped in the Warp upon their starships when the virulent Destroyer Plague struck their fleet. Mortarion and his Legion offered themselves up to the service of the Lord of Decay in return for their lives and the end of the constant suffering caused by the unnatural disease. Their bodies became bloated and swollen with the corruption festering within them, but they no longer felt the agony of the Warp-pox and did not die from its horrific symptoms. Since then, many Heretic Astartes have dedicated themselves to Nurgle, though few achieve the vaunted ranks of the Death Guard. Those who truly wish to join this most foetid of cadres must first swear loyalty to the Primarch Mortarion -- only then will Nurgle bestow upon them the corrupting ague that created the Plague Marines. Outside of the Death Guard, a favoured few sorcerers of Nurgle know the secrets of the Plague Marines, and Abaddon of the Black Legion has won many of these spellcasters to his cause. In return for fealty and long service, these "blight mages" will bestow their pestilential gifts upon willing Chaos Space Marines in the Warmaster of Chaos ' name. These Plague Marines display the myriad mutational "gifts" of Grandfather Nurgle. Regardless of allegiance, all Plague Marines have disgusting, rotted bodies that stink of decay. The putrescent slime that oozes from their many weeping sores corrodes their armour and burns their skin, but despite their horrific disfigurements, the Plague Marines are fearsome warriors indeed. Their rotting brains are inured to the agony of bodily corruption, making them all but immune to the pain or debilitation caused by the weapons of the enemy.

Blight grenades used in the following datasheets: HQ.

No plague company boasts a more gruesome array of potions, poisons and unclean fluids than the 7th. Many Death Guard take a sick pleasure in the wielding of plague weapons, delighting in every malady and infection the barest scratch of their weapons inflict. The close combat weapons of many Death Guard warriors are coated with terrible venoms. When they swing these weapons, the air is filled with corruption that can infect those nearby. The Death Guard excel in the crush of close quarters, driving plague knives into their victims again and again. This warp-plague spreads fingers of corrosion through armour, flesh, bone and even air with equal virulence. Some Death Guard are marked for greatness before they rise high in the Legion's ranks.

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Plague marines

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Karen dejo

Deathshroud Terminators. When they swing these weapons, the air is filled with corruption that can infect those nearby. In addition, until the end of the phase, if the selected unit has the Bodyguard ability, it loses that ability. Re-rolls are applied before any modifiers. This continues until there is no excess damage remaining. Death Guard Sorcerer in Terminator Armour. Plagueburst Crawler. Power fist used in the following datasheets: HQ. Chaos Xiphon Interceptor. WHEN: Fight phase. Death Guard Chaos Spawn. Please select province Please select province. Report Translate review to English.

No plague company boasts a more gruesome array of potions, poisons and unclean fluids than the 7th.

Declare targets of the charge must be within 12". Revolting toxins and infectious slime weeps from this weapon in a ceaseless stream. Death Guard Possessed. When this pathogen finds a victim - either being or machine - it rapidly replicates, causing horrific damage before burning out. Meltagun used in the following datasheets: Troops. Malignant Plaguecaster. Advance Moves. Show details Hide details. No tag. The Plague Fleets of Nurgle that periodically spew forth from the Eye of Terror are captained by the Plague Marines, spreading Grandfather Nurgle's Warp-spawned contagions and pestilences across the myriad star systems of the galaxy, forever spreading the death and decay that are the hallmarks of Nurgle's kingdom. Frequently bought together.

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