landkreuzer p. 1000 ratte

Landkreuzer p. 1000 ratte

The Landkreuzer P.

The Landkreuzer P. The tank was planned to be tonnes, far heavier than the Panzer VIII "Maus" , the heaviest tank ever built weighing tonnes. The project gained the approval of Adolf Hitler , who had expressed interest in the development of the tank but was cancelled by Minister of Armaments Albert Speer in early The development history of the Ratte originated with a strategic study of Soviet heavy tanks conducted by Krupp , the study also giving birth to the Panzer VIII Maus super-heavy tank. To protect this immense economic investment, the hull of the vehicle was to carry armour up to 25 centimetres 9. Hitler became enamoured with Grote's concept and ordered Krupp to begin development of it in

Landkreuzer p. 1000 ratte

At AllTheScience, we're committed to delivering accurate, trustworthy information. Our expert-authored content is rigorously fact-checked and sourced from credible authorities. Discover how we uphold the highest standards in providing you with reliable knowledge. The Landkreuzer P. By comparison, an Abrams tank weighs Bruhathkayosaurus , a sauropod which may be the heaviest animal that ever lived, had a weight between and tonnes, several times smaller than the Landkreuzer P. Even the Maus was too heavy to cross all but the sturdiest bridges, needing to cross rivers underwater instead. It would have been entirely immune to all but the largest air-dropped bombs. For armaments, the Landkreuzer P. It is even said that one of these turrets were built, but if so, it went missing after the war. Other guns included a mm gun, eight 20 mm Flak guns for anti-aircraft, and two 15 mm Mauser machine guns. This would have devastated the ground so badly that a trail of squashed grass and rocks would have extended for tens of miles along its path. Moving the tank at the speed set by its specifications would have required engines totaling horsepower, supplied by eight Daimler-Benz 20 cylinder diesel marine engines at hp each. Today, with the advent of rockets, smart bombs, and explosively formed penetrators, the Landkreuzer P. Even at the time, super-heavy tanks were considered a liability on the battlefield, requiring a large regiment just to protect them at close range.

This sort of superlative nonsense, which politicians like to bandy to this day, involves the idea that bigger is somehow better.

In tank terms, few tanks evoke more awe from the reader in terms of size and the specifications than the Maus, a tonne behemoth from the tank-stable of the even more famous Dr. It is not that any one of these ideas could have won the war for Germany, that was simply not going to happen in regardless of whatever vehicle, missile, or plane the Germans developed. What they were, however, is a reflection of the giant level of engineering and imagineering which ran amock at times in Nazi Germany. A political mindset wanting a 1, year Reich was also thinking huge in every conceivable area, from giant planes to super-ships, rockets, and, of course, tanks. If the Maus impressed as a tonne vehicle, then imagine a vehicle 5-times that weight; a true goliath. The first and most obvious character to have to consider in any project on a grand scale is none other than Adolf Hitler himself. Hitler loved grand thinking, big projects, and the whole sort of bigger and better concepts.

Adolf Hitler expressed interest in the project and the go-ahead was granted. In December, Krupp designed an even larger 1, tonne vehicle—the P. The P. The Schwerer Gustav fired a 7-tonne projectile up to 37 km 23 mi and was designed for use against heavily fortified targets. The main armament could have been mounted without a rotating turret. Such a configuration would have allowed the P. The bigger the vehicle, the bigger these problems became. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

Landkreuzer p. 1000 ratte

The Landkreuzer P. The tank was planned to be tonnes, far heavier than the Panzer VIII "Maus" , the heaviest tank ever built weighing tonnes. The project gained the approval of Adolf Hitler, who had expressed interest in the development of the tank but was cancelled by Minister of Armaments Albert Speer in early The development history of the Ratte originated with a strategic study of Soviet heavy tanks conducted by Krupp, the study also giving birth to the Panzer VIII Maus super-heavy tank.

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Our expert-authored content is rigorously fact-checked and sourced from credible authorities. Ten shells would add 3 tonnes, and shells, 30 tonnes. It was planned to be 35 m ft long 39 metres ft when including naval guns , 11 m 36 ft high, and 14 m 46 ft wide. The Germans had already tried the large multi-turreted tank as well, with the Neubaufahrzeug at His statement is confusing in that he makes no direct mention of working with Grote on his ideas or describing them but was clear that the P. Aside from the obvious production and utility problems of such a huge vehicle, the design had serious flaws, including the lack of a suitable engine and the Soviets quite sensibly rejected the vehicle. Further, the plan for 88 mm submarine-type AA guns for the rear turrets had been replaced with mm guns instead. Nonetheless, the era between the wars, the resurgence of a powerful Germany, and the industrialization and military modernization of a no less authoritarian Soviet Union combined to form a setting in which such ideas were taken perhaps more seriously than common sense or military reality should have allowed. Typos, why am I so bad at writing would? Wikimedia Commons. Would be great if you would provide the 3D models and textures ideally in. Your email address will not be published. The problems of the primary weapons being restricted by the smaller turrets was substantially reduced, with the front corner turrets now sunk into the hull and projecting vertically far less, allowing the main turret to rotate freely.

F rom the biggest gun ever used in combat to the terribly impractical massive Panzer VIII Maus , Hitler's maniacal quest to dominate the world resulted in some of the most bizarre instruments of war the world has ever seen. And the tank known as P.

If the cap zone is on an island which has to be entered using a bridge or a tunnel, divert and stay outside the entrance of the tunnel or bridge and pick the enemy off one by one when they exit it. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Middle East. Download as PDF Printable version. Two such guns would therefore be over tonnes alone. What they were, however, is a reflection of the giant level of engineering and imagineering which ran amock at times in Nazi Germany. World War One Tanks. However, aircraft are able to destroy this land battleship with ease, just like how the Bismarck was critically wounded by a single wave of swordfish torpedo bombers. This sort of superlative nonsense, which politicians like to bandy to this day, involves the idea that bigger is somehow better. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Cold War Tanks. The P.

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