Legate rikke

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Legate Rikke , General Tullius' chief lieutenant, is a loyal Imperial officer as well as a Nord who firmly believes that Skyrim must remain part of the Empire. She personally knows the key players of the rebellion , Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist , as they were once friends and fought side by side in the Imperial Legion during The Great War. For full details on Rikke's involvement in the Civil War , see this section. Legate Rikke can be found in Castle Dour in Solitude until Reunification of Skyrim , when she will serve at the various camps set up by the Imperials. When in Castle Dour she will never leave the strategy map and will discuss battle plans with General Tullius around the clock, only stopping for a few random meals at one of the available chairs. She was supposed to live a more normal existence, but doesn't, due to a bug. Rikke usually wears Imperial armor with matching boots and bracers.

Legate rikke

Rikke is a Nord , and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. Rikke is with General Tullius in Castle Dour discussing concerns about Whiterun and Jarl Balgruuf the Greater joining their side in the Civil War before the Dragonborn speaks to her regarding joining the Legion, and she dispatches them to clear out Fort Hraggstad of the bandits occupying it so a detachment of Legionnaires can garrison it to secure the western approach to Solitude from the northern coast along the Sea of Ghosts. Once done, with the fort secured, she directs the Dragonborn to General Tullius to be administered the oath to officially join the Legion. Rikke is present with Imperial soldiers , among them Hadvar , during the search for the Jagged Crown in Korvanjund to acquire it before the Stormcloaks can for Galmar Stone-Fist , dealing with both the Stormcloaks and draugr who were disturbed by both sides trespassing in the tomb. Rikke leads the charge for the battle against the Stormcloaks composing of herself, Hadvar, Imperial Legionnaires, and Whiterun Hold Guards to protect Whiterun from being taken by Ulfric's Stormcloak soldiers and generals while the city is besieged by catapult fire from the Whiterun Stormcloak Camp while catapults in the city return fire from the wall behind Breezehome and Warmaiden's. Thanks to the joint effort by Balgruuf's own men and the Legionnaires, the Stormcloaks are forced to retreat in defeat. To do so, she has the Dragonborn ambush a Stormcloak courier so she can falsify the documents the courier was carrying before having them delivered to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar , Frorkmar Banner-Torn. With Frorkmar having been given the false information regarding Fort Dunstad , Rikke assigns the Dragonborn to attack the fort with the Imperial troops and wipe out the Stormcloak garrison so the Legion can take over. Rikke then travels to the Imperial Camp in The Rift , with the intent to blackmail Jarl Laila Law-Giver 's steward Anuriel to attain knowledge of a Stormcloak convoy full of weapons and gold that she then has the Dragonborn ambush alongside Hadvar and several other Legionnaires to deny the Stormcloaks the valuables for Ulfric's war effort. Having captured the convoy, Rikke orders the Dragonborn to assault Fort Greenwall , the main Stormcloak stronghold in The Rift protecting Riften just north of the city with Imperial troops, as it would allow for easier communication with the Imperial City back in Cyrodiil. Rikke is then at the Winterhold Imperial Camp , with the next target being the main Stormcloak stronghold in Winterhold , Fort Kastav , where several Legionnaires are being kept as Stormcloak prisoners of war, or POWs.

Regarding the crownshe will explain: "A legendary legate rikke, dating back to King Harald 's time, or before, legate rikke. However, Rikke will refuse to allow Ulfric to kill her general, saying that she would rather die for the cause she believes in than surrender. We've come for the General.

The Legate followed in the footsteps of her parents, who were also Legionnaires. During the Great War , she fought side-by-side with Ulfric Stormcloak and many others who would later become Stormcloaks. Though she came to believe Ulfric was a self-serving ego-maniac, she once counted him and many of his followers as friends. She held a great deal of anger toward Ulfric, as she believed the Empire was the best chance at victory against the Thalmor , but also deeply saddened by his decisions. She continued to worship Talos privately despite the White-Gold Concordat. During the Stormcloak Rebellion, she was the chief lieutenant of General Tullius , who ran the Empire's campaign. She was his closest adviser and strategist, and often gave him insights on Nordic culture that he, a Cyrodiil -born Imperial , did not know or fully appreciate.

The Legate followed in the footsteps of her parents, who were also Legionnaires. During the Great War , she fought side-by-side with Ulfric Stormcloak and many others who would later become Stormcloaks. Though she came to believe Ulfric was a self-serving ego-maniac, she once counted him and many of his followers as friends. She held a great deal of anger toward Ulfric, as she believed the Empire was the best chance at victory against the Thalmor , but also deeply saddened by his decisions. She continued to worship Talos privately despite the White-Gold Concordat. During the Stormcloak Rebellion, she was the chief lieutenant of General Tullius , who ran the Empire's campaign. She was his closest adviser and strategist, and often gave him insights on Nordic culture that he, a Cyrodiil -born Imperial , did not know or fully appreciate. They had disagreements, but she believed Tullius was the best hope for Skyrim and the Empire. Rikke had a great many duties, including local recruiting in Solitude , though she frequently found herself fighting, coordinating scouts, and manipulating enemy intelligence on the front lines.

Legate rikke

Rikke is a Nord , and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. Rikke is with General Tullius in Castle Dour discussing concerns about Whiterun and Jarl Balgruuf the Greater joining their side in the Civil War before the Dragonborn speaks to her regarding joining the Legion, and she dispatches them to clear out Fort Hraggstad of the bandits occupying it so a detachment of Legionnaires can garrison it to secure the western approach to Solitude from the northern coast along the Sea of Ghosts. Once done, with the fort secured, she directs the Dragonborn to General Tullius to be administered the oath to officially join the Legion. Rikke is present with Imperial soldiers , among them Hadvar , during the search for the Jagged Crown in Korvanjund to acquire it before the Stormcloaks can for Galmar Stone-Fist , dealing with both the Stormcloaks and draugr who were disturbed by both sides trespassing in the tomb. Rikke leads the charge for the battle against the Stormcloaks composing of herself, Hadvar, Imperial Legionnaires, and Whiterun Hold Guards to protect Whiterun from being taken by Ulfric's Stormcloak soldiers and generals while the city is besieged by catapult fire from the Whiterun Stormcloak Camp while catapults in the city return fire from the wall behind Breezehome and Warmaiden's. Thanks to the joint effort by Balgruuf's own men and the Legionnaires, the Stormcloaks are forced to retreat in defeat.

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So do all the Nords that serve the Empire. Spread out, and keep your eyes open. You don't have to do this. She personally knows the key players of the rebellion , Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist , as they were once friends and fought side by side in the Imperial Legion during The Great War. Even if these carvings tell us where the crown is, I'm sure we're going to have to find a way through this door. When Esbern suggests that capturing a dragon in Dragonsreach may be the only way to get to Alduin , Jarl Balgruuf the Greater will be understandably hesitant if the Civil War still rages. Imperial Soldier 1: "What in the nine holds is that? During the Stormcloak Rebellion, she was the chief lieutenant of General Tullius , who ran the Empire's campaign. Tullius: "Well Ulfric, you can't escape from me this time. You are to meet them, find a way to slip in, free our men, and take over the fort. Rikke : "Attention! See this table for details.

Whenever you meet soldiers of the Imperial Legion , they will encourage you to travel to Solitude and join. When you enter, you will witness Rikke trying to convince an ill-informed General Tullius that Nords will follow their traditions, even in a time when loyalty is tested. Apparently, rebel leader Ulfric Stormcloak is preparing to attack Whiterun so the two strategists have their hands full.

Ulfric Stormcloak is dead! Supposedly, his body was brought back to Skyrim and secretly buried with the crown. Legate Rikke: "Steady, legionnaires! Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side. I don't expect anyone to miss my meaning. Perhaps this is the fate of Skyrim after all. Just a thought. When Esbern suggests that capturing a dragon in Dragonsreach may be the only way to get to Alduin , Jarl Balgruuf the Greater will be understandably hesitant if the Civil War still rages. General Tullius is counting on us to bring back the Jagged Crown, and that's exactly what we're going to do. Tullius: "I hate giving speeches. After Elenwen says: "After all, it's not the Thalmor that's burning your farms and killing your sons. If you sided with the Stormcloaks in the Civil War, Rikke will die at the end of the quest line.

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