lesbian bar barcelona

Lesbian bar barcelona

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Nenis hosts monthly parties for girls who like girls. It's a safe and fun space for lesbians and friends to gather and dance the night away. Casa Camper Hotel Barcelona. Carita Bonita is a lesbian music bar in the heart of Gaixample. It acts as the perfect meeting point of the lesbian community in the area where you can meet women of all ages and nationalities.

Lesbian bar barcelona

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay. Regarding having fun and entertainment in lesbian spaces, Barcelona is a place that does not disappoint. The bars in Barcelona are unique and have a welcoming atmosphere for visitors, specifically women who are into other women. These bars are strategically located in the city to help passersby spot the locations easily. Since Barcelona is known for its open-mindedness, lesbian bars are found on open streets in the city, allowing an influx of people at any time. Whether you are a resident in the city or visiting, there are plenty of lesbian bars in the country for you to meet new people and enjoy food and drinks. The following are a few of the best lesbian clubs in Barcelona that you would want to know: 1. El Cangrejo Image by Couleur from Pixabay. You do not need to use a Google map to locate this famous lesbian bar in the heart of Barcelona. The bar is famous for hosting shows such as drag dances which attract huge crowds during the weekend. Apart from the tasty drinks in the bar, you can also enjoy the welcoming atmosphere in the dimly lit bar as you listen to slow and cool Spanish music.

Find the top spots in Barcelona for women only. Hrishita Chatterjee.

Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and also a popular destination among lesbian and gay travelers. I was lucky to explore the gay bars with a local friend, and that definitely makes it easier. We started the night at La Sue bar that is a popular spot for lesbians. Great way to start the night before heading to the clubs! On Friday night we went to a lesbian party called Aire that is held in Arena Classic. Aire is a very popular lesbian event with a dancefloor and DJ playing the latest hits with some classics and Latin music mixed in.

Nenis hosts monthly parties for girls who like girls. It's a safe and fun space for lesbians and friends to gather and dance the night away. Casa Camper Hotel Barcelona. Carita Bonita is a lesbian music bar in the heart of Gaixample. It acts as the perfect meeting point of the lesbian community in the area where you can meet women of all ages and nationalities. Are we missing a new venue or has a business closed? Or has something changed and we have not yet updated our pages? Please use this form to let us know. We really appreciate your feedback. Check In Check Out.

Lesbian bar barcelona

One of the pioneers of the gay scene in Barcelona, PuntoBCN is owned by the popular Arena group — famous for their fun nightclubs — and has been around for years. The crowd tends to be a little older than what you expect in the Arena clubs and the vibe is really friendly and relaxed. The prices are all very reasonable and the bar attracts a mostly local crowd and is popular with a number of regulars. Formerly known as the Nightberry, Night Barcelona is one of the liveliest and most famous — or maybe infamous — gay clubs in the city. Connect with like-minded people on our premium trips curated by local insiders and with care for the world. Culture Trip launched in with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special. Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Culture Trips, Rail Trips and Private Trips.

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You will love the place. That way you can visit two bars and only pay an entrance fee to one. The bar is famous for hosting shows such as drag dances which attract huge crowds during the weekend. Mary Boone isn't a gay bar per se or even a bar per se, It's more like a stage set for how Mary Boone - the power art dealer in New York City in the 80s - might By Hrishita Chatterjee. Actually, it's a danish gay bar, and 'zelig' means 'caught' in Dutch. The location is perfect, and the hostel offers modern facilities, fun atmosphere and excellent service. El Cangrejo Eixample The El Cangrejo in Eixample is a very local little queendom - local boys, local music, local fun. La Raposa is a bar with a strong, combative, and feminist spirit. Tag along with your friends and head straight to the city, where you can have fun in any lesbian bar. Book A Tour in Barcelona. Representational Image.

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Time Out. Close this module. If their goal was to build a queer haven in the middle of Poble-sec, the Alberts are well on their way. Apart from the tasty drinks in the bar, you can also enjoy the welcoming atmosphere in the dimly lit bar as you listen to slow and cool Spanish music. El Punto BCN is a classic gay disco and said to be the oldest gay bar in town. Candy Darling. Follow us instagram facebook twitter spotify tiktok. The shows feature both established artists from the scene and up-and-coming talents, all in a hilarious atmosphere where humor rules. Since Barcelona is known for its open-mindedness, lesbian bars are found on open streets in the city, allowing an influx of people at any time. World Spain India. This hostel has a great atmosphere and they organize special outings to restaurants, bars and clubs several nights a week. From 6pm every day, this spot is pretty much full, and there's cocktails, good beer, nachos, hot dogs and more.

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