lord darth sidious

Lord darth sidious

Caution is advised, lord darth sidious. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Rising to power in the Galactic Senate as the senator of Naboothe secretive Sith Lord cultivated two identities, Sidious and Palpatine, using both to further his political career and deceive his way into accomplishing lord darth sidious goal. He orchestrated the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order through the Clone Warsand then established his reign over the galaxy which lasted until his death at the Battle of Endor.

This article is about a character who is identified only with their surname. Although this character has a first name, it is currently unknown. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown.

Lord darth sidious

Eventually, Sidious took on his own apprentice, Darth Maul, and killed his master. In his public persona, Sidious was the unassuming Senator Palpatine of Naboo, a position he used to manipulate galactic events to his own design. Thirteen years before his Imperial ascent, Sidious engineered the Invasion of Naboo and used the political crisis as a pretext to being elected Supreme Chancellor by the Galactic Senate. With Maul's defeat at the hands of the Jedi, Sidious was in need of a new apprentice. Together, they formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems to spark a galactic civil war. As Chancellor Palpatine, Sidious was given sweeping central, emergency powers to handle the Separatist crisis, and he raised the Grand Army of the Republic to fight the Clone Wars. The clone troopers in the Grand Army had been secretly commissioned by the Sith, and each contained a biochip with a preprogrammed protocol to eliminate the Jedi, the sworn enemies of the Sith, when the order was given. At the war's end, Sidious had gained almost total control over the Republic. With his new power, Sidious branded the Jedi as traitors and ordered the clones to execute Order 66, thus destroying the Jedi Order. Over the next several years, Sidious transferred the daily management of the Empire to a Ruling Council and spent much of his time in an ancient Sith shrine beneath the Imperial Palace, attempting to use the dark side to reshape the Force to his own ends. Meanwhile, the Empire expanded across the galaxy, including the building of the Death Star to maintain order and act as a symbol of fear.

Yet once Amidala was planet-side, she learned Farr had joined the Separatists to help his people, and she lord darth sidious captured by Nute Gunray's battle droids. With the funds provided by Damask Holdings despite the fact that Plagueis had recently died, Sifo-Dyas paid the Kaminoans.

Yet there is one infamous character in Star Wars lore that we haven't seen on screen to date. And it is through his story that the narrative of Star Wars canon, from before the prequel trilogy and on, begins. His was a birth orchestrated by Darth Tenebrous, the Dark Lord of the Sith who used a force-sensitive Muun female to woo Caar in order to create a child strong with the Force. Hego was different from his peers and he knew it, with abilities the others didn't — or shouldn't — have. It didn't take long before Hego was lured to the Dark Side, with his first malevolent act forcing a youngling to jump to his death from a great height Tenebrous guided Plagueis in the use of his strong Force powers, and it was during this time that Plagueis crafted his own lightsaber, a single red blade with a large grip to accommodate the Muun's larger features.

When Palpatine executed Order 66 in the Clone Wars ' final season, Captain Rex responded by referring to him as Darth Sidious , which begs the question of how the clones knew the Chancellor was the Sith Lord. Ever since George Lucas' original Star Wars movie released, fans have been captivated by the Jedi Purge, an incident orchestrated by Emperor Palpatine that wiped out all the Jedi, and many known Force users, from the galaxy. Towards the end of the final prequel movie, Palpatine successfully turned Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force and subsequently ordered Commander Cody to execute Order Commander Cody then ordered his clone troopers to fire on Obi-Wan Kenobi, who miraculously survived the attack, but other Jedi weren't so lucky. This event played out similarly in Clone Wars season 7, episode 11 , "Shattered", in which Captain Rex received a transmission from Palpatine that activated his inhibitor chip, forcing him to turn on his friend and ally, Ahsoka Tano. One of the many ways Clone Wars improved the Star Wars prequels is by expanding on the clones' stories - particularly the reason they betrayed their Jedi generals.

Lord darth sidious

As the senator of Naboo , he cultivated two identities Sidious and Palpatine to further his political power over the galaxy, and he was eventually elected the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. With his Sith apprentices Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus , Sidious orchestrated the Clone Wars and various other crises to achieve galactic dominance with the fall of the Republic and destruction of the Jedi Order. Shortly after betraying Tyranus and orchestrating his death, Palpatine lured Anakin Skywalker to the dark side as his new apprentice, Darth Vader, and reorganized the Republic into the Galactic Empire , declaring himself Emperor. His reign was unchallenged until the formation of the Rebel Alliance.

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When it came to a vote, they needed to approve both the Act and the surrendering of their own lawmaking powers to Palpatine, and do so willingly. Sidious took advantage of the opportunity by getting her to voice her secretly-held opinions of the Order to him while subtly encouraging her darker impulses. With the death of Tyranus, Sidious anticipated Skywalker's imminent conversion to the dark side and the ways of the Sith. Amidala had pinned her hopes on a quick resolution of the crisis. In a sudden burst of anger, he used the dark side of the Force to Force choke the two brothers, and then the keeper, all in front of Sidious and Talzin. When the shields were overwhelmed, Sidious remained on the bridge, while Vader took off with his fighter leading a squadron to deal with a swarm of vulture droids. With a civil war virtually inevitable, Palpatine rushed to make sure he was in complete control of the impending conflict. He then revealed that he was trained in the ways of the Force, "even the nature of the dark side," the power that could save his wife Amidala from certain death. Though the invasion failed and his apprentice, Darth Maul , was seemingly killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi , the wheels for his grand scheme were in motion -- and the emergence of the gifted Anakin Skywalker presented him with a new opportunity. Archived from the original on December 22, In the sequel Episode II: Attack of the Clones , set 10 years later, Palpatine exploits constitutional loopholes to remain in office after his term expires.

The story of Star Wars is greatly about the concept of balance: the coexistence of light and dark, good and evil. There can be no light without the dark, and vice versa.

Darth Sidious worked to curb Darth Maul's overenthusiasm to fight the Jedi lest his apprentice unwittingly ruin his carefully-laid plans and destroy them both. After landing his yacht Imperialis in the Plaintive Hand plateau , Tashu ordered a detachment of six droids to begin excavating. Vader reassures Palpatine that Obi-Wan does not mean anything, reaffirms his commitment to Palpatine and abandons his search. For "security reasons," he named no date, but announced that all avenues of communication to his office were open to Dooku. Both contained knowledge best not revealed. Gallius Rax [n 2]. With few Jedi left to deal with, Sidious was about to send his apprentice on other missions when Vader asked for a world of his own: Mustafar. Although Tarkin lacked Force-sensitivity, Sidious identified him as one whose mindset was very close to that of the Sith. Palpatine made a show of concern and tried halfheartedly to convince her to stay on Coruscant. After Thrawn's defeat at Atollon , Sidious sensed a great disturbance in the Force somewhere on the edge of the galaxy. As expected, C'baoth himself foiled the assassination and hammered out a deal both sides had little choice but to accept. The Council however, decided to use this appointment as a chance to spy on Palpatine. With the funds provided by Damask Holdings despite the fact that Plagueis had recently died, Sifo-Dyas paid the Kaminoans. Click EDIT to update.

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