Midas fountain gate

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We offer an extensive range of auto services and products to suit your needs. Located just around the corner from the Fountain Gate Shopping Centre, we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and a professional service that will leave you telling your friends and family. Our workshop handles everything from mechanical repairs, air conditioning servicing and repairs, suspension services, batteries and more. We are your local 4WD specialists with the experience to take care of your 4WD. From custom mods and upgrades, to general servicing and pre-trip inspections, book today. Batteries Come in and have a free battery check to assess the health of your car battery and identify any possible issues. Brake servicing Are you experiencing braking issues like squealing brakes or a vibrating brake pedal?

Midas fountain gate


Roadside Assistance. Midas Fountain Gate Auto Service.


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Midas fountain gate

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Brad Pike Conveniently located in the Fountain Gate Shopping Centre. Located just around the corner from the Fountain Gate Shopping Centre, we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and a professional service that will leave you telling your friends and family. Matthew Crew Kevin Pook Winston Gatt Bismarck Tandoc Sarah Higgins Midas Fountain Gate Auto Service. Steven Javorniczky Cade Rayner

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