moon butterfly mother

Moon butterfly mother

Note: This biography is a component of the larger project known as the " Equalistverse, " which presents an alternate story for Star and endeavors to mend some of the plot holes, moon butterfly mother, underwhelming revelations, and lingering questions present in the original canon of moon butterfly mother show. This biography pertains to my interpretation of Queen Moon, amalgamating elements from both the show's canon and my own alternate universe AU canon. My apologies for the delay of about a year!

She was the previous wielder of the royal magic wand before passing it down to her daughter on her fourteenth birthday. Queen Butterfly is serious most of the time, having a low tolerance for anything messy or destructive. In "Royal Pain", she was said to have kicked her husband out of the castle for not cleaning up his messes. Queen Butterfly often regards safety and caution for Star as shown most prominently in Star vs. Being the queen, Queen Butterfly acts as the true ruling monarch of Mewni and always has the well-being of her kingdom in mind, to the point she is unable to express interest in anything else. This often causes her to appear cold towards others.

Moon butterfly mother

And as your queen, I will continue to do my job of protecting this kingdom. I will hunt down the remains of the monster army and scatter them without country or leadership. Star's overbearing mother, the current queen of Mewni and the former owner of the wand. A-D Abusive Parent : Downplayed; Moon's overbearing, strict nature and insistence that Star follow her instructions in order to become a worthy queen cause no end of stress for her daughter, to the point where Star holds a great deal of self-doubt over her destiny as future queen. Action Mom : Though officially retired due to her political responsibilities, Moon does show she has magic more refined than her daughter's. Aesop Amnesia : Several times over the course of the series, she learns that she should respect Star's opinions and feelings, yet she always forgets this, falling back into being an oppressive parent who wants Star to act the way she wants her to. She joins up with Mina and the Magic High Commission to dethrone Eclipsa in season 4, ignoring the fact that Star and Eclipsa have grown very close, and thus that Star would be nothing but disgusted at Moon's attempt at a coup. Affably Evil : Her hidden hatred for Eclipsa and implied desire to rule Mewni again leads to her orchestrating a coup alongside the Magic High Commission and Mina Loveberry. However, she considers herself to be the Lesser of Two Evils and calmly demands Eclipsa to give up the throne and to exile herself with her daughter and her monster husband to another dimension, to be forgotten and never to return unlike Mina who wanted to kill her and her family. Affectionate Nickname : River calls her "Moon Pie". Aggressive Categorism : She insists that monsters need to be kept separate from the rest of Mewni because they are "dangerous. Almighty Mom : It's pretty clear who is the "alpha" in this particular relationship. From the start, Queen Butterfly seems way more comfortable with the idea of packing Star off to St. O's it is implied that she only escaped that fate because Daddy interceded and King Butterfly has to hide his guys' nights out from her.

Action Mom : Though officially retired due to her political responsibilities, Moon does show she has magic more refined than her daughter's. Playing Card Motifs : She moon butterfly mother diamond-shaped markings.

She was the previous wielder of the Royal Magic Wand before passing it down to her daughter on her fourteenth birthday. Queen Butterfly is serious most of the time, having a low tolerance for anything messy or destructive. Despite being the queen, Queen Butterfly acts as the true ruling monarch of Mewni and always has the well-being of her kingdom in mind, to the point she is unable to express interest in anything else. This often causes her to appear cold toward others. Despite her overbearing strictness, she truly loves and cares for her daughter.

She was the previous wielder of the Royal Magic Wand before passing it down to her daughter on her fourteenth birthday. Queen Butterfly is serious most of the time, having a low tolerance for anything messy or destructive. Despite being the queen, Queen Butterfly acts as the true ruling monarch of Mewni and always has the well-being of her kingdom in mind, to the point she is unable to express interest in anything else. This often causes her to appear cold toward others. Despite her overbearing strictness, she truly loves and cares for her daughter. In her youth, Moon used to be just like her daughter, a "Happy go-lucky girl", but after Toffee killed her mother and she inherited the throne, she became serious and mature to protect her kingdom and family. Queen Butterfly has a slender figure and taller than her husband.

Moon butterfly mother

She is first mentioned in " Return to Mewni ", and her history is expanded upon in Star vs. Comet is an adult woman with tanned skin, long lavender hair styled in a heart-shaped updo sometimes with an accompanying long ponytail , purple eyes, and dark lilac butterfly-shaped marks on her cheeks. In " Moon the Undaunted ", she is depicted in a photograph wearing a lavender and white gown, long white gloves, and a golden crown with a purple diamond in the center. Her hair is also depicted as periwinkle and styled in a heart-shaped updo, without the ponytail. Notably, her cheek marks were lotus blue possibly due to it being an early design choice. In Star vs. She is 5' 1. Comet is stated in Star vs. She traveled across dimensions, got married, had a baby, and got divorced, all before she inherited the royal wand. Comet had a love of baking and enjoyed making tasty treats for others.

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Subsequently, rumours emerged that Ralph had an affair with a woman, resulting in the birth of a son named Maximilian. She demands that Star follows in her footsteps as queen and follow the customs and traditions of her kingdom and expects nothing less but compliance from Star. Don't have an account? Her ruthless methods immediately earn her the council's fear and respect. Oh, Great-Great Grandma Shy! Star's overbearing mother, the current queen of Mewni and the former owner of the wand. Supreme Chef : When living with the Pie Folk, she became their baker, and her pies are considered the best in the island. However, she acts less lady-like when she's off the clock, such as sometimes casually showing off her legs. She was willing to hide Glossaryck's disappearance from the council to protect Star, even though she knew it could put all of Mewni in danger. Their sole daughter, characterized by pink heart-shaped cheek marks, her father's blond hair, and Moon's blue eyes, was born in BM. She trusted both of them implicitly, knowing they had her best interests at heart. Laser-Guided Karma : After attempting to use Mina to overthrow and banish Eclipsa, Moon is forced to leave Mewni herself, and is left with no throne, separated from her husband, and Star makes it clear that her actions have cost her her daughter's love and respect. She presents herself as a responsible and stoic authority figure that puts the needs of her people and her family first - having earned the title of "Undaunted" for it - but when things go wrong and her confidence wanes from a mistake, she is quick to blame external factors for it and "retaliate" with a vengeance.

This page is a list of known magic spells used in the series, mostly by Star Butterfly.

These rumours, however, lacked verification, and Ralph vehemently denied them. Cue Star looking terrified She was made out of corn. Finally, she let Eclipsa out of her tower because she wanted to help her find out what happened to Meteora. Winged Humanoid : In "Game of Flags", to get to the top of a mountain quickly, she transforms into a humanoid butterfly with large wings and six arms. This revelation horrified her aunt Etheria, who only then discovered how close her daughter had been to danger. Then combine this with the Butterfly family's problems with monsters and it becomes clear the front has broken. She told him he deserved this honour and admitted that, in hindsight, she wished he had been the one to marry her sister instead of Lazlo all those years ago. On the other hand, after her first meeting with Eclipsa, she questioned whether she was truly evil. Moon had to learn the hard way that Mina's extremism would not defer to her plans. In "Storm the Castle", it is revealed that River's teeth tend to whistle whenever he says a word with an "S" in it. Moon caused the problems in the finale by foolishly siding with Mina because of her unfair grudge against Eclipsa and her thinking she has control over the situation; that backfired, and Star is understandably angry at her mother. When she lets her hair loose, it's long and luscious and she's shown to be rather youthful and attractive. It is revealed in "Into the Wand" that Moon fought Toffee when she was younger and used her "darkest spell" to permanently sever the middle finger on his right hand.

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