my mobster boyfriend

My mobster boyfriend

There's Lines that shouldn't be crossed when you're apart of something like this, Something that could give you life, but easily take it away from you. I've been in this ever since i was 15, so why am i choosing to screw everything up now, my mobster boyfriend.

There's Lines that shouldn't be crossed when you're apart of something like this, Something that could give you life, but easily take it away from you. I've been in this ever since i was 15, so why am i choosing to screw everything up now. Harry is I wake up to the sound of the dogs barking outside, and this has been the third time tonight. I get up from my bed and move to my drawer and put on a pair of my sweatpants and reach to the back of the top drawer to get my handgun shoving it in between the waistband of my sweats and my boxers. I hate this, but tonight i got yard duty.

My mobster boyfriend


I remeber me and my mom were suppose to repaint it one summer but that summer i met Louis and nothing was the same after that.


I just thought he was this goofy, kind-hearted ginger that I worked with that made me laugh. I was wrong. I was nervous, yet very intrigued by this person. He was such a mystery to me and I wanted more. I have always been really interested in true crime, particularly documentaries on the mafia from back in the early s, but never did I think I would meet someone in a gang, let alone be involved with them romantically. Time passed and soon our awkward flirting at work turned into meet ups in the parking lot after my shift ended. We were so into each other. I loved it. There was nothing more exciting than to go to work and be with someone that made you feel all giddy inside. It definitely made the days go by quicker.

My mobster boyfriend

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Unexpected Love by blossom 36 She was his girl from the time he laid eyes on her. He always knew what she wanted. She saw love and softness in his eyes. He saw pain in her eyes. The Heartless mafia and his first Got involved with the most dangerous mafia..

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Gemma comes to the table giving us all a cup of tea. I looked at the clock and it read 4 a. I look outside to find the rottweilers that Louis my boss bought a few weeks ago barking harshly at the mansion gates. New Zarry Story!! To be honest i didn't to much care for this life either i mean the clothes, money and cars are nice but, I don't enjoy being the most feared killer in one of the biggest mobs in the U. Once Louis leaves with harry Niall grins. I finally swing my feet over the bed and get up making my way to the bathroom, and get in the shower i didn't really care if i was late to breakfast i've known Louis for 5 years and i know he won't even be there on time. It didn't take long for my loud sister to answer the door. I'm not proud of it, but its my life now. The closer i got down stairs the more i hear the Louis' laughter. Louis' best friend and second in charge, he was known for handling all the business side of things. Then across from him was Josh, He dealt with all the weaponry and drug transfers. Zarry AU Fanfiction There's Lines that shouldn't be crossed when you're apart of something like this, Something that could give you life, but easily take it away from you.


Harry the curly haired lad Louis found in Cheshire. Next to him sat Niall, niall dealt with all of the heist you know stealing. I open the door and walk quickly to see what was going on but as i got to the gate no one was there. I hug her back just as hard Her scent was a bit different then it used to be it smelt more womanly. I roll my eyes and decided to head outside to check out what was going on. I finally swing my feet over the bed and get up making my way to the bathroom, and get in the shower i didn't really care if i was late to breakfast i've known Louis for 5 years and i know he won't even be there on time. They bark at me in rage as i got closer. Zarry AU Table of contents. I remember before i moved in with the Tomlinsons i had near nothing when it came to clothes and now i have every name brand clothing you could think of. I wake up the next day to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I've been in this ever since i was 15, so why am i choosing to screw everything up now. I thought about breaking them up but i just shrugged and walked away trying to get back into the warmth of the mansion. Then across from him was Josh, He dealt with all the weaponry and drug transfers.

3 thoughts on “My mobster boyfriend

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