queen chrysalis

Queen chrysalis

This day is going to be perfect, queen chrysalis. She makes her full physical debut queen chrysalis Part 2. The former Queen of the changelings, creatures that can transform into other ponies and feed on their love for sustenance.

Queen Chrysalis is the former queen of the Changeling Empire and one of the most fearsome enemies to have ever threatened Equestria. I'll tell you Over 1, years prior to the rule of Twilight Sparkle , the Changeling were merely a species of insect , resembling a fly of sorts. They were, however, intelligent enough to speak. The Ancestral Changeling home was a dark and dreary land, Starswirl the Bearded described the place as having "bad juju". On his trip through the lands, the absent minded Starswirl the Bearded boarded up there home, laying around signs saying the place was "probably magic" and shouldn't be touched.

Queen chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis is a female changeling and the main antagonist of the season two finale , the season six finale , the IDW comics ' first story arc , Budge Studios' mobile game Harmony Quest , and one of the main antagonists of the season nine finale. In the season six finale, Chrysalis is dethroned from her position as changeling queen. She is defeated by the Mane Six and their allies in the season nine finale, and turned to stone along with Tirek and Cozy. She is also referred to by name in subsequent episodes and in the second episode of PonyChat. After launching the entire comic franchise with her, she is near and dear to our hearts. I absolutely loved doing this book I think fans will enjoy it I also think they're going to have questions. We deliberately do not answer everything there is to know about her and her hive. There are far-down-the-road plans for her, and no sense in pouring everything out at once.

The setup for Season 9's conflict has her gang-pressed into the service of a vastly more queen chrysalis villain. You were right.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! She is the former queen of the Changelings who sought to feed her subjects' hunger for love and expand her rule across Equestria in the process.

Queen Chrysalis is the former queen of the Changeling Empire and one of the most fearsome enemies to have ever threatened Equestria. I'll tell you Over 1, years prior to the rule of Twilight Sparkle , the Changeling were merely a species of insect , resembling a fly of sorts. They were, however, intelligent enough to speak. The Ancestral Changeling home was a dark and dreary land, Starswirl the Bearded described the place as having "bad juju".

Queen chrysalis

She was the former Queen of the Changelings who seeks to feed her subjects' hunger for love and later expand her rule across Equestria in the process. She is even now the archenemy of Starlight Glimmer, after her defeat in the finale of Season 6. She later becomes a member of the Legion of Doom, consisting of Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow, and was formally led by " Grogar ", who was actually Discord in disguise. After they dispose of Discord and learn of his secret, Queen Chrysalis becomes the de-facto leader of the team until she and her teammates are defeated by the Mane Six and their allies. During her first appearance in the Season 2 finale, Queen Chrysalis gained enough power from Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's love for one another to become even more powerful than Celestia, defeating her and nearly taking over all of Canterlot.

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However, unlike Tirek, she never heard of Cozy Glow and it is unknown if she questioned the fact that she is just a little filly. This turns out to be an act, which ends with Chrysalis giving a questionably honest backstory implying she was always pure evil just to twist the knife. She set off the conflict of "A Canterlot Wedding" by kidnapping and impersonating Cadance to conquer Equestria; and that of "To Where and Back Again" by kidnapping the princesses and Mane Six to, once again, conquer Equestria. Why did you summon me? Arch-Enemy : Has the distinction of being the most frequently recurring major adversary faced by the ponies. When she led her army in the Siege of Trot , Queen Chrysalis donned a suit of armor. She even threatens to tear off Spike's wings while Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 watch! Disc-One Final Boss : She serves as this in the midseason finale for Season 8, though unfought and never even noticed. Chrysalis briefly found herself distracted by the logic-defying antics of Pinkie Pie , but realized that her friends were after the Bewitching Bell the villains had brought with them. However, when she is in a position of strength or has an advantage over her enemies, she will immediately take the opportunity to egotistically boast about herself and her success, which tends to result in her defeat. She is ultimately stubborn enough to outright reject the idea of friendship and Starlight's offer to change her ways, meaning that enjoys being evil and hates redemption, and instead swears vengeance upon her for overthrowing her. Sadist : While she has some degree of responsibility for her swarm, she clearly gets a kick out of the suffering she causes, to the point of looking at her army attacking Canterlot and stating it's something she's dreamed of since she was a child, no less. After obtaining the Bewitching Bell , she and her cohorts conspired to betray "Grogar" and conquer Equestria for themselves, but were then defeated by the Mane Six and their allies for good. Too bad she gloated she was going to sic Twilight on her friends during said brainwashing, cue Twilight fighting it off and delivering a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.

This is Thesecret

Starlight tries to help the fallen changeling queen be a better leader to her hive and extends her hoof in friendship, but Chrysalis refuses and swears revenge on Starlight Glimmer before escaping. She did so, but reacted with horror upon realizing that the three were starting to become friends; she quickly put a halt to such thoughts, and convinced the others to join her in hiding the bell rather than returning it to Grogar. Sombra refused to join "Grogar's" newly formed team and left to conquer Equestria on his own. In "Frenemies", she believes that Starlight Glimmer "corrupted" her hive. I will not let it get me! Why did you summon me? Fans were expecting her to think of a much smarter plan and a more epic return, which is why this episode is considered the weakest episode she appeared in. One way to tell it's her in disguise is looking at the eyes when they briefly shine and reveal this. Chrysalis gives the Mane Six three days to go to the Changeling Kingdom. Thorax returns, Chrysalis is defeated, her revenge plot against the Royal Family and the Mane Six goes up in smoke, and the Changelings turn wise to her deception and side with Thorax. Some have written fanfiction that depicts her as more sympathetic than depicted in the show. Disc-One Final Boss : She serves as this in the midseason finale for Season 8, though unfought and never even noticed. When Chrysalis finally learns to work together with Cozy and Tirek, they successfully retrieve the Bell and decide to use it in their scheme to overthrow Grogar. However, she's still unbelievably adorable to watch half the time, even for a villain. Changeling Empire.

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