Recess character names

Comic tales of a group of good friends, recess character names boys and two girls, during breaks in primary school, as they grow up, relate to each other, and have brushes with authority. Theodore J. Sign In Sign In.

Voiced by: Ryan O'Donohue. Randall J. Weems is the snitch of Third Street Elementary School. All of the Other Reindeer : A rare justified example where the perpetrators are right to inflict this trope on the victim. Because he's The Stool Pigeon , Randall is a social outcast. This is particularly prominent in "First Name Ashley," where the Diggers and the Ashley Girls shut him out and Spinelli even breaks his tape recorder while he is trying to record his schoolmates' conversations. Animal Motifs : Depending on who you ask, his appearance looks similar to that of weasel or a lizard, neither of which tend to be associated with anything good and tend to be less liked, fitting if you consider his personality and what he does.

Recess character names

In August , viewers first met T. The cartoon series wrapped four years later, but still remains a favorite for the Disney set. See the actors who voiced the beloved visitors to the Third Street School playground, ahead. Jason Davis played Mikey Blumberg, the thoughtful young man with talents as a singer and soccer goalie. Davis died in at the age of 35, from the effects of fentanyl. Resident smartypants Gretchen found her voice in Ashley Johnson. She also earned acclaim for her voice performance in the video game series The Last of Us. Pamela Adlon voiced the tough Ashley Funicello Spinelli. She went on to pick up an Emmy for her voice work on King of the Hill , and earned additional acclaim for her turn as Pamela on Louie. In , Adlon launched her own FX comedy series, Better Things , on which she starred, wrote, and directed, earning two Emmy nominations and a Peabody for her work. Courtland Mead brought new kid Gus Griswald to Recess.

Once Randall goes back to Finster, recess character names, she dismisses Douglas without a second thought. Boots of Toughness : Spinelli wears extremely stompy boots, and is one of the toughest kids on the playground.

The series focuses on six elementary school students and their interaction with other classmates and teachers. During recess, the children form their own society, complete with government and a class structure , set against the backdrop of a regular school. The series ended on November 5, , with 65 half-hour episodes and six seasons in total. The success and lasting appeal of the series saw it being syndicated to numerous channels, including ABC's sister channels Toon Disney , which later became Disney XD , and Disney Channel. It was followed by a direct-to-video second film entitled Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street that same year. Recess portrays the lives of six fourth graders—cheeky and popular lovable rogue Theodore Jasper "T. The society has a long list of rigid values and social norms that imposes a high expectation of conformity upon all the students.

Recess was a truly beloved Disney Channel show that entertained countless people around the world. Recess was always full of action and lasted for six seasons as the children involved did everything from detective episodes to protesting to save their beloved Old Rusty. While the vast majority of the characters in this show are children, Disney did a great job creating varying personalities and intelligence to make the characters feel unique. Within this list, we shall take a look at 10 of the main characters from the hit show, and rank them purely based on the intelligence they display throughout the series. Randall Weems is the school snitch who relishes in telling the teachers about all the activity that is going on around the school, no matter what. He is desperate to be liked by the teachers and that leads to him not being very well-liked by his peers. He is certainly cunning and clever in terms of hiding out to try and spy on people, but he also often gets caught because of the basic mistakes that he makes on a consistent basis. Because of that and the fact he isn't showcased too much, he is the least intelligent main character.

Recess character names

Theodore Jasper "T. He is outgoing, kindhearted, optimistic, and friendly, and takes having fun very seriously. While he is somewhat ditzy, ignorant, and lazy, he's a genius when it comes to pulling schemes on the playground. Despite being more heavy-set than the other five members of the gang save for Mikey , he is capable of pulling a few stunts, such as escaping detention by climbing either out the window or from the roof of the school a few times.

Scat party

Daily "Call Me Guy". See the actors who voiced the beloved visitors to the Third Street School playground, ahead. Facepalm : Vince has been prone to doing these a lot. True Blue Femininity : Her signature baby-blue dress. The Stool Pigeon : He's Randall's rival snitch, though this is only really shown in two episodes. Browse episodes. Alone, he is worth nothing, but with his fellow bees, he becomes a swarm and enjoys bountiful quantities of honey. Hypocritical Humor : In the "Kindergarten Derby", Mikey bets a huge amount of Winger Dingers just to support Tubby, not caring whether he wins or loses, but in support of his friend It was thanks to Guru Kid, who was the only one that was told that it was started by Randall. Kick the Dog : They can be very nasty to others at the slightest or even without provocation.

Miss Muriel P. Finster Debut: "The Break In".

He's also known for updating the rules of the playground whenever it deems needed, like just making kids use a coin to decide on whether a kickball in a dumpster is an out or home run. Dark Is Not Evil : He dresses like a rebel and tells the gang terrifying stories, but he gets along with nearly everyone just fine. Allyce Beasley brought the kids' hip, beloved teacher to life. Spinelli is a tough, aggressive, and somewhat cynical Cute Bruiser with a more masculine appearance including black leather jacket and leather boots, while Gretchen is sweet, naive, unathletic, wears a dress with a pink bow, and has pink socks as well. Blue , and Ashley T. He teaches Mikey how to be more organized in preparation for his award ceremony out of genuine altruism. Gretchen is all set to reprogram the cannon when she is finally hit with Lax's beam Military Brat : His dad is a career Marine and they moved around a lot because of it Gus was in at least six schools before he moved to Third Street. Given that Finster quickly dismisses him and none of the other kids pay him any mind, he may just be really bad at it. In-Series Nickname : "Spin". Do Not Call Me "Paul" : While the first name doesn't sound embarrassing when one thinks about one tough leader with that name, he prefers to be called T.

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