tarkin star wars

Tarkin star wars

An ambitious, ruthless tarkin star wars of military power, Wilhuff Tarkin became a favorite of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and rose rapidly through the Imperial ranks. Shortly after the Empire's creation, he was put in charge of the construction of the Death Star. Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire's rule -- fear of the station's planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy's star systems in line. He demonstrated the station's power by destroying Alderaan, tarkin star wars, but died soon afterwards when the Death Star itself was destroyed.

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Once finished, remove this notice. Wilhuff Tarkin was a male human Eriaduan bureaucrat , military officer , and politician whose career spanned from the final years of the Galactic Republic into the reign of its successor state, the Galactic Empire.

Tarkin star wars

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown. Wilhuff Tarkin was a Human male politician and military officer who was one of the most powerful Grand Moffs in the Galactic Empire. Tarkin was a leading figure in the shaping of Imperial doctrines and was the driving force behind the creation of its key embodiment, the Death Star. He then retired and entered politics , becoming lieutenant governor of Eriadu and the Seswenna sector , before returning to the military in order to serve Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as an agent of the secret Sith Lord's New Order movement. It was in that time that Tarkin learned of his friend Raith Sienar's designs for the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid and, convinced of the potential of the design, presented Palpatine with the plans for what would become the Death Star. Tarkin gained increasing stature as a vocal supporter of Palpatine and received notice as the Seswenna sector's governor throughout the Clone Wars. At one point, he served as a captain under Jedi General Even Piell , where he and his crew were held in the Citadel , a Separatist prison , and escaped with the help of a strike team of Jedi and clone troopers. Later on, he had been promoted to admiral. He was present during the capture of Boba Fett after the Battle of Xagobah. Tarkin soon formulated the Tarkin Doctrine , which helped solidify his reputation as the greatest architect of the Empire save Palpatine. The Tarkin Doctrine called for rule of the galaxy through fear of overwhelming force, and recommended the creation of superweapons such as the Death Star to create terror of Imperial reprisal that would stifle any thoughts of rebellion.

He wanted to mine legacy worlds due to the secrecy they would offer, although the problem was that they were heavily protected against exploitation. As a tarkin star wars for his services, tarkin star wars, the Emperor promoted Tarkin to the newly—created office of Grand Moffa position which had oversight over several sectors comprising an oversector.

Examples relating to Disney's EU and the new movies can be spoiler-tagged if deemed necessary. To return to the Character page for Star Wars , go here. Peter Cushing's face has been recreated with CGI on his face. Fear of this battle station. Wilhuff Tarkin was an ambitious military officer who rose through the Republic Army's ranks during the Clone Wars.

Five standard years have passed since Darth Sidious proclaimed himself galactic Emperor. In the Outer Rim, meanwhile, the myriad species of former Separatist worlds find themselves no better off than they were before the civil war. Stripped of weaponry and resources, they have been left to fend for themselves in an Empire that has largely turned its back on them. Where resentment has boiled over into acts of sedition, the Empire has been quick to mete out punishment. It is the second novel released following the Continuity Reboot by Disney. With Luceno as the writer , many fans' expectations that the book would recanonize many aspects of the Legends EU were proved true, with Tarkin already getting his first name back among other things.

Tarkin star wars

An ambitious, ruthless proponent of military power, Wilhuff Tarkin became a favorite of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and rose rapidly through the Imperial ranks. Shortly after the Empire's creation, he was put in charge of the construction of the Death Star. Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire's rule -- fear of the station's planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy's star systems in line. He demonstrated the station's power by destroying Alderaan, but died soon afterwards when the Death Star itself was destroyed. The experience taught Tarkin that life was an ongoing battle for survival, with the strong and smart staying on top by gaining and keeping control of those below them.

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Tarkin confided in Vice admiral Edmon Rampart his belief that clone troopers were obsolete and cost prohibitive, though he also believed that, for the time being, the Empire still needed clones as soldiers. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life. Sometime after the occupation of Mon Cala, and after Vader learned of Tarkin's past hunting, Vader came to Tarkin about the debt he owed him for going out of his way to capture Lee-Char. He recognized the pilot as Anakin Skywalker, a member of the Jedi expedition to the planet, and took him and the ship aboard the sky-mine delivery ship he had used as a landing craft. Palpatine was scheduled to arrive aboard the station for its commissioning, but decided not to travel; he would send Vader as his representative to Tarkin. New York City. After Darth Vader's black Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor arrived, Tarkin met with Vader to discuss his suspicion that the insurgents who stole the Carrion Spike were working with the warship observed at Sentinel Base. Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire's rule -- fear of the station's planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy's star systems in line. Then, Tarkin requested a wing of TIE fighters , although he was told these were in even shorter supply. But Tarkin instead told him that he was leaning towards escalation. Because of this Wilhuff thought of himself as a product of a military upbringing. He noted that although the sea-world's oceans proved difficult to navigate, the reefs and islands held several large cities, which could be used as the staging ground for an invasion force.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information.

Fett insisted that he had information vital to the Republic's war effort, and demanded to see Chancellor Palpatine. Convinced they could be effective tools, but concerned about their loyalty issues, he sends them to Onderon to crush a Separatist cell on the planet, knowing full well that the cell is really a refugee camp led by Saw Gerrera, who's leading a rebellion against the Empire. Tarkin left office, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine reactivated Tarkin's commission and moved him to Coruscant, where he became a valuable agent of the New Order. Once knowing of the true capabilities Vader had with the Force, Tarkin feared that the hunt would soon draw to a close. After the Empire's formation, Tarkin was dispatched to Kamino to evaluate the worth of the clones, in regards to whether or not they would be an asset to the Empire. As the first shipment was far from complete, Tarkin sent the droid to investigate a crash-landing in the nearby fungus forests , which he suspected was the children. She lied to us! Still a young man, Commander Tarkin retired from the military in order to seek a political career on Eriadu. Skywalker and his team made their way to Tarkin's cell, destroying several battle droids along the way. He had decided to let the exodus live, on account of it being easier to establish an Imperial presence on the planet with a smaller population. He is willing to wipe out millions of innocents or even Imperials if it means winning against someone he really, really hates. Although initially disinterested with any survivors, Tarkin later ordered droids to search to rubble to see who he had eliminated. Tarkin smugly responded that he was not at liberty to share this information.

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