teejet catalogue

Teejet catalogue

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Spraying Systems Co. Full Protection of law claimed under Universal Copyright and Berne Conventions and other applicable national and international laws. Printed in U. The most trusted name in spray products and application control systems. At TeeJet Technologies our single focus is on application technology. Delivering nutrients to the crop in a timely and effective manner while minimizing crop damage is essential. TeeJet Technologies offers an extensive selection of nozzles specifically designed to maximize the performance of your liquid fertilizer application.

Teejet catalogue

Server Timeout. AAB Spray Gun. Adjustable conejet for X26 lance. AI Turbo twinjet. Check valve, brass. Clamp Assembly, Vari-Spac, 1. Clamp, 1" Square Tube. Clamp, 1. Electric Reg Valve TeeJet Valves. Directo Valves are a 3 way solenoid designed to bypass when one or more sections are turned off - to enable constat pressure to be maintained.

Swath width and flow capacity will be doubled for atwo-tip setup. Be sure to useadequate strainers in your spray systemto minimize clogging.


The compact A series of valves and manifolds provide a highly-configurable and versatile platform of products for sprayer operation. The A is available with manual or electric section control valves and is compatible with a wide range of existing and future accessory products. Manual and electric valves share a universal actuator attachment, allowing manual valves to be easily upgraded to electric operation. These plunger valves can be especially effective in applications using wettable powders or suspensions, where residues and buildup from inadequate flushing can be problematic. Matrix is built for expandability, rugged performance, and easy operation in many agricultural and turf applications. The Matrix offers a bright, clear display, intuitive menu structure and long-lasting construction.

Teejet catalogue

Spray Application and Precision Farming Products. The first spray tip designed specifically for use with PWM sprayer controls, offering maximum drift control. SpraySelect allows you to quickly and easily choose the proper spray tip for your application. Concerned about drift? Require excellent canopy coverage?

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Polyurethane has twice the strength and threetimes the tear and abrasion resistance of PVC. One micron equals0. Under controlled conditions, very accuratedistribution measurements can be madefor nozzle evaluation and development. Share Embed Flag. Assessment of Nozzle Drift Control in EuropeSeveral European countries now consider it important to assessnozzles for spray drift control as this enables general cooperationbetween agriculture, nature conservation and environmental protection. In bypass mode, the excess flowfrom the pump is recirculated. Open the catalog to page 8. Clamps and flange fittings are required. The majority of the nozzles used in agriculturecan be classified as producing droplets in therange of fine to ultra coarse droplets. Second: Specify appropriate wirepin-out arrangement See Chart 2. In this respect the procedures thathave been implemented in Germany, Englandand the Netherlands will be established in otherEU countries in the coming years.


Check valve opens at 7 PSI 0. Open the catalog to page 8. CP Adapter—Brass, aluminum orstainless steel. One micron equals0. Body and trigger molded oftough Nylon. Usethe following equation or the table at rightto determine ground speed. With electrical power on, flow to Outlet 2is stopped and liquid flows to Outlet 1. Quick, easy way to changespacing of nozzles along boom. QJ Series is also available in polypropylene. To helpensure accuracy, conduct the speed check witha partially loaded sprayer and select the enginethrottle setting and gear that will be usedwhen spraying. The table shows that this nozzle delivers1. Lance TJ. Refer to chemicallabel for velocity recommendations. For the Flow Backports, two Quick Connect fittings are required.

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