Test subject hearthstone
Looking for a Test Subject Puzzle Lab solution guide? In your test subject hearthstone encounter of the Mirror series of Hearthstone Puzzle Lab challenges you'll face off against a series of puzzles created by the Test Subject Lab Assistant, test subject hearthstone. Below, we'll break down how to complete each of the Test Subject 's Mirror puzzles, with clear, step-by-step answers. That wraps up all of our Test Subject Puzzle Lab solutions.
Forgot your password? Test Subject is a Priest -only minion. This card was introduced with The Boomsday Project and can now only be obtained through crafting. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone. Test Subject is known for being a critical combo piece in a deck known as "APM Priest", where the card can be used as part of a pseudo-infinite loop with 2 Radiant Elemental s, Vivid Nightmare , and Topsy Turvy to create copies of any spell cast on it which costs 2 or less. Outside of this deck, Test Subject's ability is too niche and specific to be useful in the average Priest deck. The Deathrattle ability on the card is enticing, and it may end up being used in combo decks in the future.
Test subject hearthstone
Jan 13 - Apr January 13 - April Jan 20 - Mar January 20 - March CDL Major 2 Qualifiers. Feb 16 - Mar February 16 - March DreamLeague S Feb 25 - Mar February 25 - March Remix Rumble. March 1 - March 3. VCT Madrid Masters. Mar 14 - Mar March 14 - March
Hearthstone Whizbang's Workshop cards and card reveals. Tombs of Terror Guide. That wraps up all of our Test Subject Puzzle Lab solutions.
My account name is cyberjonesy , I played a game vs an opponent called Wallyworld at Est time. I was playing as priest and received a card called test subject from an invoke card. The description of the card reads: Deathrattle: Return any spell cast on this minion to your hand. It was a useless card, so I played it without casting any spells on it. The problem that arose was when the oponnent killed it, it returned to my deck and a drew this useless card on my turn. Is there an effect to this card that is not written on the description or is this a bug?
Forgot your password? Mirror Puzzles are a unique type of puzzle and do not reflect any kind of situation you will normally encounter. The aim of these Puzzles it to make both players' boards look exactly the same. This involves having the exact same minions on the board in the same position with the same Attack and Health values. Once you have completed all 26 standard Mirror Puzzles, you will unlock the Mirror section of Dr. Boom's final challenge. Hints and solutions to these puzzles can be found in the Dr. Boom's Puzzles Guide.
Test subject hearthstone
Jan 13 - Apr January 13 - April Jan 20 - Mar
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Seering Fire Elemental. Looking for a Test Subject Puzzle Lab solution guide? Magtheridon Prime. Mage Card Rankings. Check out our Guide Comments Forum! It was a useless card, so I played it without casting any spells on it. Test Subject was not the first card banned from Hearthstone wild mode. Reno Jackson. Constructed Play 3. General Comments 2. Underqueen Zarzhet. Mother Shahraz. Priest Card Rankings. Galakrond's Awakening.
Test Subject is the first boss of the Mirror lab in the Puzzle Lab.
The Hearthstone dev team had to take an emergency measure and ban Test Subject upon the Return to Naxxramas miniset launch. Warlock Crafting Guide. Past Expansions. Play Test Subject to get infinite spells. Path of Exile. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. January 13 - April Varok Saurfang. Paladin Secrets. Kael'thas Sunstrider. Aleco , Hearthstone's Final Design Lead, mentioned that despite this issue being triggered by a new card, the actual problem resides in the old cards, such as Test Subject and Radiant Elemental. Do you perhaps have a link to the game on hsreplay. Shaman Crafting Guide. Page 3 of
In my opinion you are mistaken. Write to me in PM.
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