

Viralsnare tricked me Employee named Shafeeq requested the copyright of my video on viralsnare social media. My video has reached viralsnare million Youtube views in less than a month. I contacted them and viralsnare how they would make the payment, booklive answer. There are photos of the conversation, viralsnare.

Watch fullscreen. Follow Like Favorite Share. Add to Playlist. All your videos will be used in our YouTube channels with a total of 25 million subscribers. Group Of Cute Little Kittens. Kitten Getting Ready To Attack.



Why would I give you more videos when viralsnare do nothing but profit off them yourselves? Morning Cat Battle, viralsnare, Archie vs Squeak.


If you are trying to find out if viralsnare. While the rating might seem high, you need to read the details below before engaging in any business. Feel free to share your experience in the comments so we can update the data if that's the case. We rely on consumers' feedback as well. The viralsnare. We wanted to see what they say about themselves, so we tried to extract a short paragraph from their page below:. ViralSnare shall further be granted the right to assign at their discretion the Licensed Rights in accordance with these Terms of Ser- vice.


ViralSnare brings content holders and the market of purchasers together so that video creators can be compensated for the licens- ing of their videos, and so industry professionals have a simple process for accessing the videos they need for programming. Subject to our Terms of Service, videos uploaded to ViralSnare are made available for licensing by industry professionals and in return content holders can be compensated for their videos. It is our goal to help owners of videos get compensated and for industry professionals to get the videos they need for their programming in an efficient and affordable manner. These policies are applicable to the web site located at www. Please read these Terms of Service carefully to ensure your legal use of the Site. They contain the legal terms and conditions that govern your use of the services provided to you by the Site and are a binding agreement with you. In using the Site, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or pos- sess legal parental or guardian consent, and you are fully able and competent to enter into, abide by and comply with the terms, conditions, obligations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms of Service.

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They didn't even promote my video on their primary YouTube channel or any of their social websites. And know that once you commit you can not retract! Kitten Getting Ready To Attack. She's On The Water. They can add any title to your video they want. Jump Like A Boss. Check fields! Flatland is no joke! I contacted them and asked how they would make the payment, no answer. The Power of God and Anime. Dancing In The Supermarket.


What Are You Doing Dude. Being approached on Instagram by a profile, of a different name, with 1. I am, as I told them, thankful for the lesson they taught me. Then it appears on Viralsnare youtube with no prior advice, as promised, and again no acknowledgment, as promised. This is in the contract so beware and read the fine print. I have no idea who has used my content or on what platform. After I sign the agreement, I forgot about it and then, after 2 months about I send email to the company asking for my video but to be honest, the support answer me after days so I contacted the guy that came in contact with me and told me to be patient and then, after 4 months about an email came asking me to log in to a platform throw a link they send me and confirm my payment and I do it It's absolutely free, man! Non retractable Do your due diligence before you sign up! Sharing is caring! Why would I give you more videos when you do nothing but profit off them yourselves? View Photos. Maybe Next Time. They didn't even promote my video on their primary YouTube channel or any of their social websites.

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