Have got has got worksheets

Here, in one place, you can browse all the printables.

This section contains printable flashcards, posters, games and activity worksheets designed for learning and teaching English verbs in a fun, interactive way. The resources are organised by activity type. Each item listed below links to its own content page, where you will find materials to download and print, as well as previews and short descriptions. You can also browse our verb have got printbles in one place for quick access. Flashcards Sets of flashcards to help learn and teach forms of the verb have got in English. View resources ».

Have got has got worksheets


Resources for ESL teachers and kids to learn, practise and revise English grammar rules in a fun way. Each box of the game below links directly to its own page with printable resources and tips on how to play. Support Guide Contents Overview Map.


A simple worksheet to practice the simple present of the verb to be. Students have to write "am", "is" or "are". Simple explanation and exercise to introduce the first conditional. Sentence 18 IS negative. I'll change it a. It's an easy worksheet for students to practise the comparative and the superlative of adjectives.

Have got has got worksheets

I have got a new phone. He has got a sister. They have got brown eyes. Use have for I , you , we and they. Use has for he , she and it.

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Each item listed below links to its own content page, where you will find materials to download and print, as well as previews and short descriptions. For answer keys and worksheet descriptions, visit the verb have got worksheets page. You can play this game using a board with cards, or game boards only one for each player ». You are free to print any of the resources for your own personal includes printing materials for your classroom , non-commercial use only. Games to get your students excited about learning English. English for kids » vocabulary expressions grammar. Resources for practising. How the material is organised The resources are organised by activity type. Recources for learning. Worksheets A variety of easy exercises to practise forms of the verb have got.


The resources are organised by activity type. Board and card game » Guessing game » Loop game ». Flashcards » Posters » Worksheets » Games ». English for kids » vocabulary expressions grammar. Resources for introducing grammar points. To learn more about each of the resources, visit the verb have got flashcards and posters pages. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, download and print these resources. Flashcards Sets of flashcards to help learn and teach forms of the verb have got in English. Games Easy to teach, fun to play in pairs or small groups grammar games for ESL kids. Recources for learning. Our printables are in pdf format. Resources for ESL teachers and kids to learn, practise and revise English grammar rules in a fun way. Classroom games. You are free to print any of the resources for your own personal includes printing materials for your classroom , non-commercial use only. This section contains printable flashcards, posters, games and activity worksheets designed for learning and teaching English verbs in a fun, interactive way.

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