mike tomlin college stats

Mike tomlin college stats

Individuals with advanced coaching pedigrees, perhaps. They probably attended a big football school, and even experienced success at the professional level during their playing days. As of AprilTomlin has amassed an eye-popping

Tomlin holds the record for most consecutive non-losing seasons to begin a coaching career with 17 and has never had a losing season. Only Tom Landry 21 and Bill Belichick 19 have had longer such streaks at any point in their coaching careers. Tomlin was born in Hampton, Virginia , [1] the younger of two sons; his brother, Eddie, is three and a half years older. The elder Tomlin died in January from an apparent heart attack in Ocala, Florida, at the age of However, Tomlin hardly knew his birth father and was raised by his mother and stepfather, Julia and Leslie Copeland, who married when Tomlin was six years old. He graduated from the College of William and Mary with a sociology degree in , [2] becoming a member of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity.

Mike tomlin college stats

He has a Super Bowl title and a Sean McDermott is a maniac hitter. He was ultimately a three-year starter at receiver there in the s. According to Steelers. He even set a school record for yards-per-catch average with Tomlin never stepped foot on an NFL field as a player. He then became a graduate assistant at the University of Memphis in Tomlin coached defensive backs for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from through before becoming the defensive coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings in The Vikings were not a very good team in , but their defense was solid, allowing The Pittsburgh Steelers hired Tomlin as their head coach in As a rookie head coach, Tomlin went

Although Tomlin's ascension to an NFL head coaching job has been cited as evidence of the rule working as intended, [9] Rooney himself disputed this, as he had already interviewed a minority candidate prior to interviewing Tomlin. Miller January 17,

Mike Tomlin was named the 16th head coach in Pittsburgh Steelers history on January 22, Hired at the age of 34, Tomlin became only the third head coach hired by the Steelers since In his 16 seasons as head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Tomlin has accomplished many things that have never been done in the team's storied history. A franchise known for stability at the head coaching position, Tomlin ranks among the League's longest-tenured active head coaches entering the season. By winning the Super Bowl in only his second season as a head coach, he also became the fastest to win a Super Bowl title in Steelers history. Tomlin has won at least five home games in 15 of his first 16 years, including six in

Players love him. Playing in for Denbigh against Gloucester, Mike Tomlin stiff-arms a would-be tackler as he breaks away on a punt return at Todd Stadium in Newport News. He averaged 15 yards per return, according to the Denbigh yearbook. This story appeared in the Daily Press on Sept. To read other stories in this series, visit pilotonline.

Mike tomlin college stats

Mike Tomlin was named the 16th head coach in Pittsburgh Steelers history on January 22, Hired at the age of 34, Tomlin became only the third head coach hired by the Steelers since In his 16 seasons as head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Tomlin has accomplished many things that have never been done in the team's storied history. A franchise known for stability at the head coaching position, Tomlin ranks among the League's longest-tenured active head coaches entering the season. By winning the Super Bowl in only his second season as a head coach, he also became the fastest to win a Super Bowl title in Steelers history. Tomlin has won at least five home games in 15 of his first 16 years, including six in

Sewing eye hook

Roll Tribe Roll. January 29, NFC South. Tomlin is just the eighth coach in NFL history to win a Super Bowl within his first two seasons as head coach. Archived from the original on December 8, Facing the Baltimore Ravens on November 28, , in a primetime Thanksgiving Day game with major playoff implications, Tomlin became the subject of controversy when video replay showed him interfering with a kick return. Retrieved October 20, He was ultimately a three-year starter at receiver there in the s. Skip to main content. Hired at the age of 34, Tomlin became only the third head coach hired by the Steelers since In contrast to Bill Cowher, who retained only longtime running backs coach Dick Hoak from Chuck Noll's staff Hoak himself retired just before Cowher's resignation , Tomlin did retain many of Cowher's assistants, most notably defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau , whose defensive philosophy contrasted with Tomlin's. The Steelers finished the season with the top-ranked total defense A New England Newspaper and Press Association award-winning columnist and an avid sports memorabilia collector, Mike enjoys keeping up with all the sports news and the works of former Sports Illustrated columnist Rick Reilly.

The man who coached the coach watched Santonio Holmes make his spectacular, toe-tapping touchdown catch to deliver the Steelers their sixth Lombardi Trophy. If that happened nowadays it would have been all over SportsCenter.

NBC Chicago. The Steelers began the season with an win-streak, which culminated in a regular-season record and Tomlin's ninth AFC North title. National Football Conference. Retrieved January 24, Team's Ranks Team ranks, totals at bottom are percentiles. Archived from the original on January 15, The Steelers finished the season with the top-ranked total defense NFC South. The Steelers started the season at before their Week 9 bye, and went the rest of the way. Under Tomlin, the Steelers broke new ground on offense in Pittsburgh's offense boasted the best third-down conversion rate and the third-most rushing yards in the League from Weeks 10 through 18 after starting the season ranked 24th in both categories. Full Site Menu Return to Top. Archived from the original on December 3, Not to be confused with American baseball player Mike Timlin. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed.

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