Olaf coutner
Olaf top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Olaf top counters against top champions with a minimum of games, olaf coutner.
CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Olaf Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Olaf coutner
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Olaf Top. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Olaf wins lane against Name Gold diff Shen Top. Mundo Top. Nasus Top. Kayle Top.
Rengar the Pridestalker.
The top champions out of lane to counter Olaf include Sivir, Seraphine, and Kalista. Even if these Olaf counter picks are not played in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to play him into one of these matchups. They will usually beat Olaf. Olaf is a formidable opponent and excels in 1v1 combat situations, so avoid engaging him solo. Utilize a team strategy and leverage crowd attacks to overcome his strengths. Taking advantage of timing is key. When Olaf's ultimate R is down, he becomes highly immobile and vulnerable. Seize these moments to strike and kill him quickly before he regenerates.
Olaf coutner
Olaf top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Olaf top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Olaf wins against Kled
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Anti-heal and ignite necessary. Taric the Shield of Valoran. Jayce Mid. Play to scale as you dominate Olaf mid and late game. The Stoneweaver. Ganks can screw you over though. You outscale him. Pre 6 is pretty fine tho as if he tries to run you down you can just kite with q and w. If you are both Level 6 start the fight off by pulling him in so he can't R it afterwards. This is another similar matchup to Darius in the laning phase - don't be aggressive with E, only take what he gives you, and the matchup should be pretty favorable for us overall. If you are extremely low and have no choice, then that is the only time you should vault him when his R is active.
CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players.
Olaf wins against Rumble Cassiopeia Mid. Gragas phase rush bomba build by LiterallyGragas Gragas Player. Olaf wins against Renekton He would run you down. No results found. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. It's all about dodging Q so as long as you can space well you shouldnt have that many problems. Lissandra Mid. The average opponent winrate against Pantheonis Also, his ult cleanses r. Nocturne the Eternal Nightmare.
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