torm god

Torm god

It symbolized not only that Torm was the good right hand of Tyrrepresenting the Torm god of Justice's missing sword hand, but also the principle of forebearance, that the true and bc auto wrecking had to pause and consider their actions first so as to ensure their intent would uphold the chivalric ideals Torm exemplified. Sometimes his form torm god that of a blond, handsome young man, while at others he was an aging warrior with grey-white hair, torm god, though he often shapeshifted into a lion -headed man when entering combat. No matter his form, torm god, he seemed stern in voice and manner, with dauntless courage set in his square jaw and righteous light flashing from his striking, deep blue eyes.

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. Go to Forgotten Realms Homepage. Torm pronounced TORM. Torm, known as The True and The Loyal Fury, was the god whose portfolio consisted of duty, loyalty, and righteousness.

Torm god

Torm torm the True, patron of paladins and unswerving enemy of corruption and evil, serves the people of Faerun by exemplifying the chivalric ideal. An ascended hero who lived his mortal life in service to a just sovereign, Torm eschews the pretense of his fellow deities, instead adopting a humble position that he exists to serve the common good and the rule of law as established by honorable mortal rulers. Though a true deity with awesome power at his disposal, the Loyal Fury is all too familiar with the failings of mortal men, having fallen victim to hubris, gullibility and ignorance when confined to a mortal shell during the Time of Troubles. During that seminal event, Torm allowed himself to be controlled by his own corrupt, oppressive clerics for a short time, an occurrence that gave him perspective on his own flaws and enhanced his sense of humility. Torm battled Bane in the harbor of the city of Tantras during the Time of Troubles, destroying the Black Lord in personal combat he too died in the conflict, but was later returned to life by Ao. As such, he became a hero to good-hearted people throughout the continent, a savior who in slaying Bane delivered Faerun from the machinations of the deity of strife and tyranny. In nations across the continent, Torm became a symbol of heroism and bravery, the ideal knight serving his followers with a transforming act of self-sacrifice appreciated even by great Ao himself. In the fourteen years following that time clerics of Torm have enjoyed popularity unparalleled in Faerun. Now that Bane has returned, the people look to the Loyal Fury and his mortal agents for salvation once again. They eagerly hope that the menace of the Black Hand can be dealt with after another great battle, that the revived church of Bane can be crushed by an army of paladins with holy hearts and sanctified swords.

The Crystal Mountain. The True God Tweet.

Below are images related to the deity. These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. If you wish to submit an images to this site, please contact us. If you wish to make a request, please contact us individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed. Please support this site for more resources. An ascended hero who lived his mortal life in service to a just sovereign, Torm eschews the pretense of his fellow deities, instead adopting a humble position that he exists to serve the common good and the rule of law as established by honorable mortal rulers. Though a true deity with awesome power at his disposal, the Loyal Fury is all too familiar with the failings of mortal men.

Bahamut is the dragon god of justice, and a subservient deity to Torm, god of law. Bahamut is revered in many locales. Though all good-aligned dragons pay homage to Bahamut, gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in particularly high regard. Other dragons, even evil ones except perhaps his archrival Tiamat , respect Bahamut for his wisdom and power. Bahamut only accepts good-aligned priests. They may be dragons, half-dragons, or other beings. They strive to constantly yet subtly act on behalf of good. They oppose evil, but their first mandate is to ensure they do no harm in the process.

Torm god

They were devoted to serving other faiths, destroying enemies of their own faith, and repairing the Weave of magic. They were to be holy warriors of the faith, and in particular undertake the Penance of Duty. This had been set by Torm to repay the persecution of other religions by his temple in Tantras during this time and in the years preceding, to atone for their failure to guard against strife, and to relieve the destruction wrought to magic. The Golden Lions numbered several hundred members around DR. Members of the Order, known as Golden Lions, were required to carry out activities that helped fulfill the three parts of the Penance of Duty. The Debt of Persecution involved aiding other goodly faiths. Most members of the Order guarded the temples of many peaceful or goodly deities that would otherwise be unprotected, and even helped reconstruct them.

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Most Tormtar are human males, but both sexes are welcome within the faith—and as the numbers of the elf and dwarf peoples dwindle and they increasingly see the vital need for law and order among human communities to ensure their own survival, people of the Fair Folk and the Stout Folk are embracing the True Faith and the Unbending Way of Torm in ever-greater numbers. These images are for individual DMs to use in personal campaigns, to provide visual cues and examples for their players. The supplicant only one priest is invested at each ceremony prepares beforehand by rolling in mud or dust and then donning the oldest, filthiest clothes they can find or beg for. After the death of Tyr, Torm became the new leader of the Triad when he took the seat of the master of Celestia. Torm was also good friends with Lathander and Amaunator , the latter even earning great respect from the Loyal Fury. Soon after, Tyr rewarded his faithful paladin with elevation to lesser power status. Every failure of duty diminishes Torm and every success adds to his luster. Source: Faiths and Pantheons. As the sword arm of justice, the Tormish are expected to bring painful, quick deaths to betrayers. Within three days after the feast is done, the priest must confess any personal sins, failings, or shortcomings to another Tormtar priest and report on his doings to a superior. Visit the Thieves Guild for more Resources www. Kestrel , et al. All the clergy then join in a hymn of hope, and withdraw, leaving the supplicant locked in the temple sanctuary alone to complete the Holy Vigil.

When summoned, Bane had a dark and rather shadowy appearance with a resemblance of dark armor and his tell-tale jeweled, dark gauntlet. He emanated an aura of vast power and cruel intelligence.

Sign In Register. These ranks are separate from duty-titles such as in ascending order : Patrol Captain , Revered Messenger , Doorwarden , Seneschal , Templemaster , High Priest , and Priest Inquisitor the teachers and internal disciplinarians of the faith. This is not a blind obedience, and a servant working for an evil master is responsible to a higher authority in his loyalty. It is the duty of every Tormish priest or holy warrior within a day's ride of the announced place of ritual to attend. In potential combat situations, Tormtar always wear their best armor and weaponry. Torm's faithful include many warriors and government officials, among others. The more the supplicant gives in to fear or slumber or dwells on any doubts about his or her faith in Torm, the lower the sword slips. The supplicant only one priest is invested at each ceremony prepares beforehand by rolling in mud or dust and then donning the oldest, filthiest clothes they can find or beg for. Wiki Content. In the Year of Blue Fire, DR , after the Spellplague had wreaked havoc in the planes, a group of demons led by the balor lord Axithar invaded the House of the Triad, and when Tyr and Torm sent calls for help, the dragon god Bahamut answered by sending his legions to aid in destroying the demons. Torm torm the True, patron of paladins and unswerving enemy of corruption and evil, serves the people of Faerun by exemplifying the chivalric ideal. To these rituals and prayers are added special prayers said when a follower of Torm needs extra inner strength to follow orders, to do a necessary but unpleasant task, or to support an ally or friend.

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